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Newish and grateful to this site


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Hi everyone,

I've been visiting periodically and posting a little here and there. Thought it time to formally introduce myself. My partner was diagnosed extensive sclc in early October, with lymph node involvement and brain mets. He began chemo and concurrent wbr right away and we're now approaching the last (6th) chemo session. We both work full time and have been able to maintain our schedules. Life goes on, even though it seems everything has changed. It's been a rollercoaster of bad and good days, and I'm thrilled to say that lately there've been many good ones.

I so appreciate having this place to come to. Here I've found answers to many questions I had, about chemo side effects, complementary therapies, and sometimes just the reassurrance that we're not in this alone.

Thanks to all of you!

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Hi Summer,

Thanks for coming out and sharing your partners bio with us. Sorry about what your partner and you are going through, but it certainly looks like he is doing fine.

Just keep that positive attitude up and it could move mountains. Its been proven here time and time again.

Welcome, post here anytime, we are all here to help each other to get through difficult times and to share good news. :lol:


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