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a comforting dream


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Hubby and I were on a plane, coming back from a trip with a group of other people. Most everyone was happy and relaxed. Toward the back was one man who was developmentally delayed, he started to carry on a bit from not knowing where he was. Normally I would have been the one to go back and settle him down but not this time, I just wished he would stop because there was no reason for fear. But another man went to him right away and comforted him and he was fine.

We landed, boarded a bus, and went to a church parking lot, a very large church, and many cars. We went up a stone staircase to a side entrance, people were in the room, I didn't know them but everyone was friendly, busy with something like having a meeting. I hung up my coat there and put my "book" on a shelf above, and we passed on through to the main building. What a beautiful building and so many people around and everyone seemed like they belonged there, were comfortable there, and most seemed like they were engaged in some interesting activity. I seemed to be the only one just wandering around like a tourist. Some were young, some were more like young adult, 20s or 30s, no one seemed sick or really old. There were a lot of people there but it wasn't a crowd, just singly or in small groups.

We met a priest and he was so nice, so friendly and full of joy. I was just kidding around with him. I really liked him and I liked the place. I was thinking, I ought to turn Catholic so I could come to church here, I sure would like to be part of this. Then it occurred to me - I am not Catholic, J is. I am not the one with cancer, J is. And then I noticed J wasn't with me standing there any more. Where is J? But I wasn't worried about it.

I started looking around, it was all so beautiful and vast, so many rooms, groups of people going here and there. A lot of polished wood, staircases, open spaces, no altar per se. I was looking for the door I had come in through because it was time for me to leave and I needed to find my coat and book. A young dark haired man in a sailor suit walked with me for a while. He told me he and a woman had been on an island, there was something she was supposed to do but she couldn't, so he did it. He was fine about it, seemed as happy as anyone else. I saw some young people in athletic clothes; I figured there must be a gym here. What a wonderful community. I was still looking for the door where I had come in.

I saw a closed door and a sign on the front, theater rehearsal. I looked in the room. Different group of people. That wasn't it. Then I was outside, walking down a stone staircase but I don't think it was the same one I had entered, I still didn't have my coat or book. I heard a dog bark. That sounds like my dog! But I looked around, a man and a medium size short haired medium brown dog were also coming down the staircase but it wasn't my dog. The man was middle aged, short brown hair, a bit stocky but I really didn't notice him much, I was looking at the dog.

I woke up and I felt peaceful.

I am going to post this in one other place on the net, in case the person who knew the sailor or the man with the dog may see it and get some confirmation that there is more to life than just this world.

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Wow, that was really nice. You know the meaning of that. You may have been asking questions, hoping your hubby is at peace. So you certainly got your answer.

That feeling of peace you felt upon awakening , is something you needed and received.

Be good to yourself,


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I am so glad to hear that you are at peace enough for J to contact you and give you that feeling of peace. I hope you have more bedtimes with your beloved in the limbo land of dream time.



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Wow...what a wonderful and soothing dream. It is so wonderful that you are able to remember so many important details of the dream. Have you looked at pictures on the Wall of Memory here to see if you recognize any faces to be the people in your dreams? I know that sounds really far fetched but Lillian from this board will understand what I am talking about. I have a very dear friend that is very gifted. She called me one day and told me about a very vivid dream she had about a man named John. From her description of the man, I felt it might be Lillian's Johnny. I put Lillian in touch with my friend and lo and behold the description fit Johnny to a tee!!! Don't ask me how...I just know this happens! So glad you had this wonderful dream.

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