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Latest Scan - is there a norm?


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After 4 cycles of chemo with carboplatin and VP-16 I had my first CT scan to check for any changes. The result is a 40-50% reduction in size of my Adrenal tumor. I start my next cycle of chemo tomorrow.

My question is whether this reduction is normal or should I be hoping for a more substantive shrinkage? Is there such thing as a "normal" reaction to the chemotherapy after just a few cycles of infusion?

I would appreciate any information from someone who has been there, done that.

"Uncle" Doug Russell

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We have no idea on a 'norm', but we rejoice in any shrinkage (other than the Seinfeld Rendition of Shrinkage).

It sounds like you are a poster child for how to weather chemo!! Keep it up, Doug, you are an inspiration and joy to us!!


Pat and Brian

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Shrinkage is always good...at least when the topic is cancer! :wink:

My onc did NO scans during my 6 cycles of carbo and VP-l6...maybe because he didn't want me asking him, "Is this normal?" :roll: At the end of the 6 cycles though...I was NED. For a while.

As you know, I'm now after it again with Topotecan and after 3 cycles, I was 50% reduced...but after 6 cycles....either stable OR slightly reduced. I have 4 liver tumors left...but my pancreas appears clean and at least a couple of the liver tumors were slightly smaller. BUT...my onc is happy w/ results and I feel good!

So...Uncle Dougie....take what you've gotten as a gift, AND good news and keep up the good attitude and your journaling. It's all good at this point and as others have said, we all respond differently...so "normal" is a pretty hard thing to determine from one person to the next.

And anyway, people like you and I may not have EVER been entirely normal - cancer or no cancer - ya know what I mean? :wink::lol:

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