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Just wanted the good people here to know the wife and i celebrated number 44 today. It was not a great day as her white count was below 1000 so neulasta shot's for 2 day's and then hopefully treatment wedsnday.Also had a MRI today and CT last friday and visit with Doc this thursday and i'm pretty worried as to the MRI result's being she has been complaining of stabbing pain's in head and a very tender spot.But i'm still grateful that we've been given these 44 year's together and of course i'm selfish and want many many more year's together.So i'll close this with prayer's for all and hope for all.....

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44 years is wonderful, congratualtions to both of you. Reading the profile, I see you both have been through so much and you are both still going strong and together, That is so great.

I wish her luck on her MRI. Will send prayers.


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