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Survey re: Tarceva rash and success with it

gail p-m

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My father started Tarceva this week. From the reading I've done, it seems like many who got the Tarceva rash also had success with reducing the size of tumors. I realize there is not 100% correlation though. Just wondering if you took Tarceva: 1. did you get the rash 2. if you got the rash, did it reduce tumor size 3. if you didn't get the rash, was Tarceva still successful

4. if you got the rash, was Tarceva unsuccessful 5. How long did it take after started Tarceva until the rash appeared?


gail p-m

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Gail, My father started taking Tarceva about 5 weeks ago. He did get the rash. Very severe at first: open, weeping blisters on his face. Topical clindamycin helped a great deal. He still has the rash to some degree and uses the topical cream to keep it under control. I have heard some people say that if you get the rash, that means that the Tarceva is working. Don't really know if there is any truth in that. He has repeat scans in September, hopefully it will show that the Tarceva really is working!!

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Hi Gail,

1/2) I did get the rash. In my case some decreased, some increased, some news ones, some disappeared, but all are very small.

3) Have very little of the rash now but still stable if that helps.

5) My doctor said it takes about 7 to 14 days to appear and did explain why it does but I'm sorry I forget. Of course everyone is different.

**There is an 800 toll free number you can call to ask questions. Here is the number 1-877-827-2382.

**Here is the site also http://www.tarceva.com/tarceva/patient/contact.jsp

Hope this helps. Prayers for the best. Rich

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Mom had more of an adolescent acne breakout at first, but it cleared up. Now she has 'crocodile skin', but it doesn't cause her any discomfort. Her tumors haven't shrunk any, but they haven't grown either. We call that a victory and take it.

Right now, Tarceva is her only option (as in, not chemo, radiation, or surgery for fear of damaging the little 'good lung' she has left), and we are very happy with it.

:) Kelly

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My "rash" just looks like acne and my skin gets dry. Rash appeared within usual time frame - about 10-14 days after starting. Started Iressa in January at diagnosis and have been on Tarceva since June. Tumors hrank incredibly at first and have been kept stable since then - 7 months! I have the BAC variety of NSCLC - seems to respond best to Iressa/Tarceva.

I have been very lucky. Wishing you the same!


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