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Getting to Know You.........


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Well,,,this is fun!!! I was given the name Ann with no middle name.( my mom didnt believe in them) I always wished my name was Jael. Jael was an Israeli girl that lived next door to me as a child. Well when I got married I swore I would name a daughter Jael. My husband said NO NO and NO. I had a son. He breathed a sigh of relief! Well when my husband was ill I decided to finally convert to Catholisism, to join my family. Well when it came time to choose a Saints name as my confirmation name, I found that there was a Jael in the Book of Deborah!!! I went to my adviser and asked if I could use this name as it had alot of meaning to me and the Jael of the Bible was a brave woman. To my suprise she said yes!!!! So my name is now Ann Jael. It only took me 51 yrs to get a middle name!!!!! I do love it. My husband, bless his heart came to my Confirmation, Baptism and First Holy Communion, sat through it for 3 hours, he was ill, but he did it for me!!! I will never forget that gift of love from him, ever. He laughed about the Jael as the name I took,,,, I think he sort of expected me to fit it in there :wink:

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Well my name was suppose to be Miriam, named after my Great Grandmom, but my dad did not like it,(bless his heart) so the closes to Miriam was (to him) Maryanne. I like my name its just I really despise when someone calls me Mary as that is not my name. I never answer to that. But I will answer to Mare.

I really did not like Miriam, so I lucked out with Maryanne, even though growing up it was not a Jewish name, everyone thought I was Italian.

Incidently, my son is dating a Miriam. :roll: go figure. I never told her the story.

Bunny and Ginny you really cracked me up. Big time. :D:wink:


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Kiyae Katne (Sounds like kiya catne)

I used to say my first daughter would be named that. I guess I was a product of the late 60's. Thank goodness I married a man with the last name of Christy. (Since divorced) and I thought there were too many K sounds at the beginnig of each name. I did have a cat named keta-sounds like kitty when you yelled for her.


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What name would I choose????? Tinkerbell. She always seems to make magic happen when needed. Atleast that is what my bosses think of me. I am a miracle worker to them. Saved their hinnies more times than not due to their not thinking ahead.

Use to be known as twinklefingers because I have the "touch" to do massage and make anyone feel better. That was before carpal tunnel set in. Still have the touch though and can give a mean neck/shoulder/head massage...:)

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My name was supposed to be Carolyn. My mothers best friend had a daughter a year before I was born and stole the name. My mother not to be completely outdone named me Carol. Carolyn and I went from elementary school to high school together,but have since lost contact. I hate for people to call me Carolyn. If I were going to choose a name for my self it would be Pilar. I love the Spanish sound of that name.

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I really had a problem with my name......Geraldine Lewington! I had a brother named Peter and a sister named Pat and when I asked my mom why Geraldine she said I guess we liked it!!!!!

When we moved to Montreal I passed a restaurant every day called Geri's and liked the spelling. To most of my family I am still Geraldine and I find it hard to realize who they're talking to.

My choice of name would be Ann (no e that would have been too over the top - as in Princess Anne).

In school I wanted to be called Susan, Linda, Jennifer, anything that wouldn't single me out......I was the only kid all through school named Geraldine so couldn't get away with too much.

Maybe I'll just rename myself Ann, had the other one for 58 years and I think it's been long enough!

So long,


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Some more name hating here. How about this!!!!! Real name which I do not like to give out. BUT we are all friends here, right? Kathleen Cecelia...after my two grandmothhers. My uncle thought...hmmmm...her initials are KC. We should call her KC. I was ONE week old! Have NO idea why it is spelled Kasey, as it should be KC.

The name I always wanted was... BARBARA. Have NO idea why!

Just an interesting tidbit. EVERYONE knows me as Kasey. When I meet people I ALWAYS tell them to call me that. BUT when faced with LC and treatment.... I have ALWAYS been Kathleen. For some reason it just made the treatment, etc. less personal and once removed from the personal. I AM a nutcase, right?

Kasey (Barbara)

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