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Getting to Know You - February 7


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Thirty one years ago today, my oldest son was born. I think that was definitely one of the most memorable days of my life.

A question for those of you with children. What do you remember most about the day your first child was born?

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The frist two I can not count. They were adopted and that is an experience that is entirely different.

1) Doing my best to get Rochelle through all the pain. I tried to remember the breathing rhythm, but I have no rhythm.

2) Seeing our baby and both Rochelle & Jillian where fine after that entire experience.

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I can still remember looking at that little guy and saying over and over ...."look how beautiful he is." I was in complete awe of this tiny little boy and immediately knew that my life was more complete.

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We were young poor and Happy, so when it was time for my wife to give birth to our first born we went to the Maricopa county Hospital in Phoenix AZ and what i remember most was after she had given birth and she was being wheeled to her room was them stopping and her holding my Daughter and the excitement on her face and telling me how beautiful the baby was.

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Lucie was in Jackson, Mississippi, with her mother. I was in Detroit, Michigan, as a freshman graduate student. I flew in to Jackson on a Friday for a weekend. My MIL asssured me the baby may not come on that particularl weekend. He was born on Friday, two hours after I got to the hospital! Great planning, huh? Don

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Well our first child, our son was born in South Korea but I will never forget when he was placed in my arms and how he looked at me. What a gorgeous baby he was. Miracles come in many ways.

Now about 10 years later we found ourselves expecting a child after adopting two. What I remember was looking at her in absolute awe after she was born.

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Jason was 5 weeks late, (did not have ultra sounds at that time)Due date June 16, Jason arrived July 27th. Another Leo like all the males in Joels family.

Finally went to the hospital, he would not come out, he kept working his way back up :shock: . Use these big forcepts to get him out. He had a mark on each side of his head. I was so scared I thought he would have all kinds of learning disabilities.

That thinking was the complete opposite..Jason got his masters with honors and is now going for his doctorate.

At that time we were in the hospital for 3 days and the babies were not at our sides. They only brought them in certain times and I really got my rest.

He was a wonderful baby. Slept right through the night first night :D. Everybody wanted to watch him as he was such a delight.

Now Nicole..... :roll:

Maryanne :wink:

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My first was born in 1971, back then they put you completely out when you had a C-section.

But, when I did wake up and see him I remember this overwhelming feeling of a warmth and love I'd never felt before.

I had to spend 5 days in the hospital because I had the c-section and I cried and argued with the nurses to let me go home so I could take care of my own baby in my own home.


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I remember loving one of my nurses, Priscilla, and honing in on her voice.

I remember chastising my doctor for worrying me with the faces that he was making. Worry lines and "Hmmmmm"s don't go over well with me when already in distress.

I remember going from 5 cm. to 10 in about 10 minutes and the nurses not believing me.

I remember calling Mom. She was at chemo, and she was elated. I wish so badly she could have been there.

And I remember the day after she was born, being given a reprieve and finding out that Andy wouldn't have to leave for a detachment just a few days after the birth after all, that he could stay, but that he wouldn't have any leave time so I'd be going it alone during the days as soon as I got back from the hospital.

It was worth it.

I guess you were only looking for one thing, huh? Oops.

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Both of our girls were adopted, but I will answer about when our eldest was finally "ours."

After court we picked our daughter at the orphanage and returned to the hotel for a few hours of rest until taking a train back to Moscow. my husband and I sat in awe of her while she napped. We knew our lives would never be the same.


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Best thing to ever happen to us was the birth of our daughter.

I remember thinking how I told everyone all along that I wanted a girl, was going to be a girl, I was 100% sure.

I remember my nieces Terri and Tara racing Tina up and down the hall. Each one taking a turn with her and I would time them to see who won.

Tina is my pride and joy.

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My first born, Colin, was born April 2, 1992.

He is soon to turn 14 and I still remember his birth as if it was yesterday.

I had decided that I was going to have him without an epidural.

Sure did change my mind the second time around!! LOL

It was a very long delivery but I'll never forget the feeling when they handed him to me. I just remember worrying that I wouldn't know what to do. That mothering instinct comes so naturally and I can't imagine life without them BOTH!

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My oldest son was born in 1961. I remember after his birth my mother in law telling me that I didn't feel anything or remember anything because I had a twilight. Yea right! She didn't know what she was talking about.

I also remember looking at my son and being totaly awestruck that he could actually be real. Most wonderfull feeling a woman can feel is seeing her child for the first time.

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When Nicolas was born it was a long hard labor. I remember when he finally decided to come out and they lay him on the warmer he just screamed. The warmer was brought close to me so I could touch him and the minute I talked to him he quieted down. He knew me! He knew my voice. I also remember how in love with him my mom was. I hardly got to hold him; mom had him all the time! :)

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