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Warren is gone--3-17-06


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Warren -aka Tarheeldad passed away Friday, March 17th at 4:24 pm in the home of Troy and Sheila Bradford. His Wife, Donna was by his side, holding his hand and talking to him when he passed.

He leaves behind a wife that loves him very very much, 2 sisters, 1 brother, His mother, 2 daughters, 2 Step-daughters and 4 step-grandsons

Warren fought until the very end...and would have continued to fight if he could have. I let him know that I would be OK...and it was all right for him to go on without me. I told him how much I love him and that we would be together again...that I promised this. That the grass would be so green it would hurt our eyes.. I know Warren loved me. I already miss him...I will continue to miss him, but I know I will carry him in my heart until I am with him again.

Forever love,

Warren's wife


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