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Medical Alert Bracelets?


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This may be a stupid question, and I don't know if it has been addressed before...... BUT :P

Does anyone wear a medical alert bracelet that deals with LC? Have you ever talked to your doc about the need (if any) to wear a bracelet. If so, what did you put on the bracelet?

As a one lunger, I have wondered what would happen if I was in an auto accident and needed the paramedics to treat me. When they didn't hear any breath sounds on my left side, would they start treating me for a collapsed lung even though I doon't have one?

I don't have the traditional "lc scars", mine is horizontally under my armpit and is covered completely if I am wearing a sports bra so a paramedic taking a quick look at me would not assume I had a lung removed. :shock:



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Wendy, good question. I have heard these advertised on the radio recently and wondered if there was any reason for me to have one. I still have alittle bit of my left lung, so I don't have the issue that you have without the left lung. I will be interested to see what others have to say. Thanks for asking the question. Take Care.


Nancy B

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I've worn a Medic Alert bracelet for 25+ years due to drug alergies.

Mine is registered with an 800# on it and a wallet card. When I kept my info current - embarassed to say I've let it lapse - they wanted all medical info and will put anything you want on the bracelet but only bracelet info, next of kin and drs name and # on the card.

Mine is through Canadian Medic Alert but I'm sure there is an American equivilant.

As a by the way a nurse friend told me never to get the necklace as emergency personnel go for the wrist first and don't always open clothes to find a necklace.

My opinion is it wouldn't hurt to wear one........just in case!


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Link FOr Medic Alert Info. Looks Like you could do a jewelry with a see Wallet card for info on conditions and Meds possibly. I have no personal Experience with them though. Hope this may help you out.


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Good heavens! All of you out there with "ports" (vascular access ports) and you don't have a medic alert bracelet?????????????? When my port was put in before chemo in 2003, I was told by the nurse at the hospital and the nurse practitioner in my onc.s office to register with medic alert. I have an ugly bracelet that gets caught in my watch band - both on my left wrist.


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Hi Wendy, I asked our sec at school who also is trained to respond to car accidents, fires, etc. She says if the person can not speak, and there is medical emergency,then they usually just cut all the clothes, right up the center of the body--head to foot. She thought a bracelet would be good idea though.

I know my scar is so big, they couldn't miss it. :roll: Barb

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