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PET scan question

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My sister's having a PET scan Wednesday, then will be scheduled for a mediastinoscopy. The information the doctor gave us about what the PET shows and things I've read online are a little conflicting. Can anyone enlighten me? Things I've read online indicate that the PET scan can diagnose the presence of cancer, but the mediastinoscopy will be needed to determine the type. Is that correct? I'm wanting to know so that we're prepared next Monday (a week from this one) when we go in to get the results of the PET.



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I would Believe you are correct Katie Thanks. Hope all is well for your sister Frannie. Is she doing better than the other Day? Randyw in Greensboro NC

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Yes, a PET scan highlights rapidly dividing cell activity (the patient is given an isotope-tagged, glucose-based media that flows through the body and is picked up by the PET machine for visual analysis) ..... cancer is one thing that is growing and wants to consume this fuel and divide rapidly; it shows up "hot" on a PET scan (you've probably heard this term used here before). However, a PET scan cannot determine the particular type of cancer present....that takes other procedures to do that as others have discussed here.


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My husband is going through the same situation. His CT scan showed a new 3CM mass.

His Pet Scan came up negative. His Dr. felt a biopsy

should be done to be sure the pet is not a

false negative. Alan is scheduled for his biopsy on

Tuesday. Prayers for you and your sister.

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When my mom was diagnosed she had a PET scan which showed the cancer light up in the chest and some lymph nodes.

Then they did the mediastonoscopy where they biopsied the lymph nodes to make sure it was not a false-positive.

For my mom, if the lymph nodes were negative, they were going to remove the lung tumor right then. However since the lymphs were positive, they closed her up, sent her home for chemo, then she had a lobectomy 4 months later.

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Hi Frannie, PETs can be wrong THANK GOD! :P

I think they use the PET to suggest which masses are most likely cancer and the CT to determine precisely where those masses are located, so that they know exactly where to biopsy to establish a diagnosis. Hoping your sister's scans are A-OK. Barb

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My dad didn't have a PET, but he did have various bone scans and mri's to see what they could find. He had a bronchoscopy to tell what kind of cancer it was. With they they went through the throat and down into the lung area and scraped...like a biopsy. These tests told us it was small cell, and then the form of treatment was chosen.

Best of luck to you Frannie. I am thinking of you!


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