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We have 200 recipes so far, just need 200 more--*8/15 update


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Thanks to those who sent in recipes :) We have 200 so far! Now we "just" need 200 more!!! :):)

Please keep them coming. Not just for the book, but for my health ;) I lost a couple pounds (still zillions to go), said good-bye to a number on the scale I never want to see again (isn't it fun when that happens, although somehow the number always manages to appear again months down, although I have not seen this new number since way before my mom's diagnosis), and now I am on steroids for my in-vitro round so all I want to do is eat :shock:

If I get recipes, I can read those and vicariously eat :lol:

Here is a reminder how to send me recipes (and e-mail for your photos for the montaage page):

1. Input the recipe yourself: Go directly to http://www.typensave.com/ Log in is: LCSCbook Password is: 3e3jm

2. E-mail your recipe to me at andreascheff@adelphia.net (or you can PM me)

3. Snail-mail your recipe to:

Andrea Scheff

PO Box 27124

Anaheim Hills, CA 92809

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Rod any recipe would be worthy :)

Thanks again everyone, keep those recipes coming!!!!

In addition to food, we are looking for recipes that are funny, silly, inspirational, different kind of things, etc for the "This and That" section :)

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Okay Andrea ~

I am not much of a cook, but I just sent you two very simple recipes, along with some photos also.

For the "This and That" section, I was thinking about this poem:

Dishwashing Without Groans

Thank God for dirty dishes

for they have a tale to tell.

Well other folks go hungry,

we're eating very well.

With Home and Health and Happiness

we shouldn't want to fuss.

For by this stack of evidence

God's very good to us!

(My Mom had a plaque with this poem by our sink when I was growing up. She died of SCLC in 1995.)

I have this plaque hanging in my kitchen:


Although you'll find our house a mess...

Come in, sit down,


It does not always look like this....

Somedays it's even worse.

And my other favorite:

I kiss better than I cook!


Pam in FL

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Oh Andrea...you so friggin owe me. My mom gave me a bunch of recipes-- it takes about 3 phone calls to her per recipe. Mom, there is no time or temperature on how to cook these biscuits. Mom, I am reading Aunt Betty's pate' recipe you gave me and do you really put in raw garlic--makes sense that the garlic would be cooked with the chicken livers....etc etc etc. Mom, what the hell is Oleo? It is like a comedy routine!! LOL So....anyway, I have lots still to input. Oh-- and I made points by proofing some between phone calls. :lol:

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Thanks so much Ry :) I appreciate it so much! And what is Oleo? I saw it in a recipe I inputted too :)

As for the poem, it is great, but unfortunately things have to be entered recipe style with ingredients. Here are two examples of what we have in "This &That" so far:


Pam in PA

1 rounded c. true love

1 heaping c. perfect trust and confidence

pinch unselfishness

splash interest in everything he /she does

Mix all ingredients with a pint of sympathy. Flavor with a bright fireside and a loving kiss. Bake well for all your life.


Bruce in Tennessee



Tea Bag


Candy Kiss

Rubber Band


Chewing Gum

Band Aid


MINT - to remind you that you are worth a mint. - *John 3:16-17 CANDY KISS - to remind you that everyone needs a kiss or a hug everyday. - * John 4:7 TEA BAG - to remind you to relax daily and go over your list of blessings. - *1 Thessalonians 5:18 ERASER - To remind you that everyone makes mistakes, and it's okay. - *Genesis 50:15-21 RUBBER BAND - to remind you to be flexible. Things might not always go the way you want, but it will work out. - *Romans 8:28 TOOTHPICK - to remind you to pick out the good qualities in others. - *Matthew 7:1 CHEWING GUM - to remind you to stick with it, and you can accomplish anything. - *Philippians 4:13 BAND AID - to remind you to heal hurt feelings, yours or someone else's. - *Colossians 3:12-14 PENCIL - to remind you to list your blessings everyday. - *Ephesians 1:3

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Oleo is used as a butter alternative term and is usually margarine anymore. Shortening is a generic term for anything that makes a pastry flaky and tender -- can be lard or butter...depends! Recipe use of the term lard depends on the recipe....usually Crisco (the "kleenex" of the term shortening most of the time) works but it also could be things like bacon grease (all depends on the recipe!) -- yeah, we used to save pan drippings of grease (any solid animal fat is called lard) for use in recipes!!!

Now I was about 4 when we did these things :roll: (really); I'll just go retreat myself to a hole in the wall on "the farm" now....... :wink:

I'd suggest 'yall try making the recipes with ingredients you think will work and see.....go ahead....get the neighbors to be samplers (just in case) -- that's what I did on suspiciously worded recipes and they all are still with us :shock::shock: . Hehehe -- they loved them! Of course, I then made the ingredients what we all can now understand based on my experimentation!


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I think it's wonderful that we are getting such a wonderful response to this cookbook! I have a couple of other message boards that I frequent that have been giving me a ton of recipes for the book. Many of them are just sharing to help but there are so many contributors that have lost loved ones to cancer. I am inviting them to join in our group. After the book is completed, these folks also want to buy copies...yahoo!!! If any of you visit any other boards or groups, you might want to tell them about the recipe collection underway. I'm sure everyone will be glad to help such a wonderful cause!!!

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