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Recipes-------WOW!!! (Updated 08-22)


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I just entered some recipes for a friend and saw that we have 390 reciped entered so far! I think this is great news! I have to tell you that I got hungry just from inoutting some of these wonderful recipes! I can't wait for this book to go on sale! Everyone on my Christmas list will be getting one of these for a gift! And....I still have more to enter!

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I noticed that too Ann! I sent out an email to about 100 (of my closest friends :) ) providing the link to input recipes or offering to do that myself. Quite a few put them in, but I've been busting my tail trying to get all the ones sent to me to enter into the book. I want them all to buy the book when they're ready, so I'm listing the people that provide the recipe to me as the submitter! Nothing like seeing your name in print to boost sales!

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YES, Lillian. Sumbit that recipe and more! A southern gal like you must have a zillion recipes up her sleeve. I sent you a PM with input instructions, or...you can send the recipes to me and I will input them for you.

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Really WOW now...lol! We have 420 recipes submitted as of 4:10 today (EST). You guys are all doing a great job! I know that our "nesting" Andrea is absolutely thrilled!!!

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Ok Ann I'm sending it to you. As for a southern girl like me don't forget I am a transplanted California girl who uprooted and came home. Living in Louisiana I did learn to cook a lot of things and most are my own version of things but they are all a dash of this and a taste of that. Nothing is really written down except the Pralines and that was my MIL's creation.

Put me in front of a stove with the ingredients and I'll make you a great Jambalya or gumbo or sause pecante'. My grandchildren say my fried chicken is the best in the world (they are a little prejudice). I could tell you how to cook it but again nothing is really measured :!: Cole slaw the same thing. My daughter in law calls it dessert. I make my own dressing but again it is not written down.

So anyway the praline recipe is on the way to you.

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Thank you so much everyone!!!!!!!! That is just amazing.

Mitzu--there will be a post on how to buy the book once it is done :)

And Ginnny, I was also thinking of proofing the proofers for duplication :)

My mom and I will also proof proofers at the end, double check categories,etc b/c you can never get enough eyes!

I am horrible at proofing. I had inputted a recipe a friend sent from NY, my mom was nosey and wanted to see what recipes they sent so she logged on and I had typed "whine" instead of "wine". Didn't even notice it :)

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I went back over most of the ones that were already proofed. I found some mistakes on second round that I missed on first round. Most mistakes I find are typing or format. I am also contacting the person if possible. It never hurts to have too many readers. I am not the best at grammer...commas and periods etc. Hope I don't create more work for rest of you. :):)

I found recipie that listed ...1 can preaches... :lol::lol::lol:

Also, where does Apple Butter and Jam go?

Another question for the proofers....

I have been changing this 9x13x2 and 9"x13"x2" to look like this 9 x 13 x 2-inch so book will be uniform. Is this the better way?

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