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Mom's First Treatment


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I just got home after my Mom's first chemo treatment. This was very emotional for me. I was very positive while I was there, but on the way home after I took Mom and her fiance home, I cried all the way. All in all it was not as bad as I expected. She took her emend before her treatment and then they gave her medicine to help combat the nausea in the IV. She got a dose of cisplatin and etopocide. The treatment took about 3 1/2 hours. She was great. She was very hungry afterwards and very positive. We have to go back every day this week where they will give her etopocide only. I guess I expected her to feel bad right away if it was going to happen, but the nurse said it could take a few days. She also has radiation treatments scheduled for the same days as chemo. Next week she has only one treatment of the cisplatin. I am trying to be strong but it is very hard, especially after seeing other patients there that had recurrance of their cancer after years. If she will have side effects from this when will it first appear? The nurses said that each case is entirely different. The thing that bothers me is when I picked up Mom this afternoon she said she almost changed her mind and said she wouldn't go through it. I am afraid when and if everything catches up she will just give up. She is strong physically but not mentally. It hurts so much to see her go through this. I will keep everyone posted as to how everything goes this week. Thanks for being there for me.


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I remember after my husbands' first day of chemo, which btw is the same as what your mom is taking. I was so petrified that he was going to get violently ill. So that night, I watched him like a hawk, knowing he would have to go thru 2 more days that week of chemo. Guess what, it wasn't as horrible as I had expected.

Yes, he had the diarrhea, and had to drink and drink to flush the chemo out, but no throwing up, no aches, pains. I'm not going to say it got easier, but he took it all in stride. The cumulative effects that what got him, but he did it! Your mom will too. Make sure she tries to eat, have some Ensure, and I know the nurses gave you a list of things to look out for. But I know she will do just fine.....


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It is so hard to see our strong parents in a vulnerable state. I am so sorry your family is having to go through this.

It sounds as if the treatment they have given your mom is very agressive and I don't know how to say it but just this... my mom was not strong enough physically or mentally to take the treatment. I am so glad that your mother's doctors have decided your mom will be a strong fighter and are tackling this with all the guns!! I am not sure my theory is the right one but I think goign for it full on is the best way. I really feel if my mom had been strong enough to take chemo and rads at the same time maybe it would have been more effective.

Hugs and prayers!!


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I was so apprenhensive when my mom began chemo as well. I hate seeing her on her 'down' days during her treatment cycle, but I am so thankful that she is well enough to continue treatments! They have had to tweak her schedule, since her white counts get so low, but we will keep on trucking as long as we can! I know you guys will, too.

:) Kelly

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Hi Terrye,

It sounds like your mom is receiving the same treatment as I did. I was fortunate enough to have no problems with this combination. I really felt good! I believe there are many others that did well here too.

I remember my 1st day of chemo. I was so frightened and the look on my husbands face tore my heart out. I arrived at the doctors office and refused to let them put the iv in my arm until I had a trash can next to me in case I got nauseated. The nurses really thought I was nuts. Needless to say, they gave me the trash can, and I never needed it :P But it did make me feel a little less anxious.

Its true that everyone reacts differently to treatments, my advise is to not sit around waiting for problems to arise. I spent the whole first two weeks after my initial chemo week WAITING for problems that never occured.

Arm yourself with information on the possible side effects and things to look for. If you have questions about something that pop's up, give the doc a call.

I have my fingers and toes crossed that your mom is lucky enough to sail through her treatments. If she does have problems along the way, rest assured that there are many new medications that can help eliminate the problems.


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I understand where you're coming from. My Mom was dx with sclc earlier this year and the chemo was extremely rough on her. If I learned one thing from the great people here on this site, it is this. Yes this is a horrible situation that the entire family is fighting but you have to let yourself vent. Cry, scream, talk to friends. Talking about it to my friends A LOT especially at the beginning really helped me. Just saying words, getting it out was theraputic. Also finding this site was a God send to me. You would think reading some of the stories would actually make you feel even more depressed and disheartened BUT it does not. It actually does the opposite. In reading and answering posts from other people, it somehow empowers you. It gives you strength to help your family member fight this disease. I have always felt more at peace after I have come to this site to share my updates or read and reply to others. I'm sending you every good thought and best wish for you and your family.


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Hi Terrye-

My father went thru the same chemo as your mom. It really wasn't bad for him. The first round was actually the toughest for him...feeling alone. Then he started "popping into" the infusion center with coffee cakes, etc... from time to time when he was there for radiation. By the time of his 2nd round, they knew him and loved him. Getting to know the nurses was the best thing for him. They chatted him up during the long days, celebrated the victories and got him thru the setbacks so far. He gets teary-eyed when he talks about them. They also worked with my mom to make sure my dad was eating enough, staying hydrated, etc... If you can get a nurse on your side, you're mom will be in good hands. Good luck. I don't post often lately but I think of and pray for everyone here often.


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Hi Terrye

You have some great advice here already. This cancer thing is hell. All the emotions you are feeling and describing are pretty common. It is such a hard adjustment to make once you hear that diagnosis, it just throws everything into a tailspin. You will hear this new life referred to around here as the new normal and I have to say, that sums it up perfectly!

Just remember that we are here for you, 24/7. When it gets to be too much, come post to us and tell us how we can help. Sometimes just the simple act of typing the words and getting them out of your head is such a relief! And, add to that, knowing that there are so many people here who understand, have been in your position and are willing and able to help you makes it invaluable!

Keep posting, keep us up to date and let us know what you need.

Sending you prayers and many positive thoughts,


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I was so scared when my mom started chemo/rad but she really did fairly well. She experienced a little fatigue and slight nausea and it started about three or four days after her first treatment. I hope your mom does ok too. It's really, really important that your mom stay hydrated so impress upon her to drink lots of fluids :D Also, small frequent meals seem to be easier than the standard three a day.

Lots of prayers for you all and please keep us updated..we all care!



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