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My mom just called me to tell me she went to get checked out at the doc today because she has a rash on her chest and back. He hadn't really seen that before but just told her to take some benadryl. She will be recieving her 3rd chemo on Thursday and has been getting taxol/carbo. Anyone seen this before? I guess she also had a little temp. She also just tapered off the steroids from her radiation. Not sure if that would cause anything like that.

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Wondermom .... I had taxol/carbo chemo along with my radiation. The first few chemos went smooth then I started noticing that my face would get very flushed (kind of rashy) and my eyes would burn starting the day after my chemo treatment. I talked to the onc and she said I could start taking benadryl the night before my chemo and continue to take it during the day of and the day following. I did this plus got some eye drops for my eyes. I still had the problem but not as bad and it did not stick around as long. I was also getting decadron (steroid) with my chemo cocktail. Like they say everyone responds differently hope your mom finds relief.

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I got a very bad rash when I was on Taxotere. It was only on my ears - but itched so badly. I would actually boil water and burn my ears to stop the itching. Finally, I saw a dermatologist who provided a compond that cured the problem.

Rahes do frequently occur with chemo. Decadron generally supresses the rash.


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I got a rash all over my body 8 days after my first treatment with Taxol/Carbo/Avastin. Then, day 11, my face started to swell. Took prednisone for a week, and all that went away. However, treatment 2, I had a severe reaction to the Taxol, where I passed out and had to have extra Benadryl, Solu-Medrol, and IV fluids before I came back. So, no Taxol that cycle. I haven't had the rash at day 8, or the facial swelling, so me and my Onc think it was because I'm allergic to the Taxol.

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