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Shelley (MLC)

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Hi everyone. Mom was able to receive her regular chemo today after having a couple weeks off for a low white count. Her Dr wants her to come in tomorrow for Neulasta and the nurses told her that she may experience some bone pain. Can anyone tell me how likely this is and if there is anything she can take to ease the pain a bit? I'm so happy that the chemo is working and I'd hate for her to miss another cycle, but I worry that the pain will be more than she is expecting. Thanks so much! Shelley

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My husband complained that he had some pain but it wasn't enough for him to seek any pain relief. For him, it was worth it because his blood counts were never off and he didn't suffer from any of the illnesses the kids brought home during his chemo treatments.


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I didn't have anything I would call bone pain -- it was more like deep muscle aches and joint discomfort. It never interfered with sleep and lasted only a day or two, starting the evening of the injection. And it occurred just the first and second cycles. The last four cycles there was nothing I can specifically pin on the Neulasta, though it may have contributed to the overall Taxol/Carbo/Avastin fatigue.



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I've gotten the shot every cycle and have noticed some weird joint pain in my good hip and a shoulder. I don't know if it's from Neulasta or chemo, but it's certainly not unbearable. I don't need meds for it and it goes away after a few days. My grandma had the shot 1 time when she was sick a few years ago. She said it was the worst pain she ever felt. So, like everything else around here, everyone seems to be different.

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Hi Shelley--Mom has had two neulasta shots. She has found the bone pain from the shots the worst part of her chemo (physically). She has her chemo On Thurs, gets the shot on Friday and then feels pretty crummy on Saturday and Sunday. She seems to bounce back on Monday. Pain meds help and it really only gets unbearable if she forgets to take them on time. Her white counts have been great through.

I hope your mom does well on it.


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Also my husband found that the worse of the chemo was that shot. At one point they gave him half instead of a whole dosage and that helped.

His last chemo, they waiting 2 days instead of the day after and he had no effects at all.

Not everyone esperiences pain. He did and it was pretty severe. But again like I said everyone is different.

Keep us posted.

By the Way, that shot cost 3000.00. Could you believe that?

Maryanne :wink:

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