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First ball game without him


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Well tonight was our first mixed slowpitch baseball game without my husband here with us on the team. Boy did we all feel a definite sense of someone missing (plus the beer fund sales were down). Seriously though, there are so many firsts that we all have to go through when we lose someone. I found that every significant first - such as like this ball game tonight - is really hard. My stomach is in knots 1-2 days before it all. I put on my pennant with the ashes in it tonight though and let the team know that he was here. We all got through it. We live in a small town and everyone at that diamond tonight that had played ball for the last few years felt it. It is funny how insignificant we might feel to be when we are alive and it is not until we are gone like this that we realize how important and valuable we were to so many. Gerald is up there now catching those fly balls and snagging those grounders. Heather

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Yes, all of these "firsts" can be so hard to handle. After you make it through the "firsts" the next time seems to be a bit easier, although the feeling of emptiness always is with us. You know, we really do take all of these little things, like a ballgame, for granted until it's too late. Since losing Dennis, I seem to have a much different prospective on life and the things that are really important. Now, I try and live for little moments that I can remember and cherish! I'm glad you made it through this "first." Yes, I know your sweetie was watching from above!!!

Life is short, Break the rules, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And never regret anything that made you smile.

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My first softball team, mom and I played together. She played second, I played 3rd or pitched. Everyone would move in on her (5'2" 110 lbs) and she would smash the ball.

We would go to the school field on off days and practice.

We hadn't played togeether in a long time, but she would be insistent I didn't miss a game when she was sick...she would make me leave to "go play ball." So when I play now, I think of her constantly. I'm a singles hitter. But when I rope one, I look up and thank her...any extrabases I get must be help from above.

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I'm so sorry for you. I know how hard this is, but it sounds like you are working thru the difficult days and making the most of the easier ones. My thoughts and prayers are with you. It speaks volumes about your husband that so many miss him on that field and recognize the void. He must have been a wonderful husband and friend.

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