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I had a friend tell me today that I should write down my wishes and keep them for when i get really sick.Like where i want to be and who i want to care for me.She said You dont want to be in a nursing home right?

Made me really depressed as im not looking forward to making those kind of plans.

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I'm sure your friend meant well. It seems people just don't know what to say. They either say nothing about cancer or they go overboard with advice. I sure didn't and still don't know what to say even though I've been a caregiver and a part of this family for a long time now. I love reading your profile because it is so positive... Yay you.


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Oh Marie, that's too bad. Your friend was probably trying to help. Although, that's advice that you probably don't need - I'm sure you know that at some time you do need to make those plans. We all do, cancer or no cancer. Sorry it made you depressed. It would have done that to me, too.

Sorry you missed chat Tues. night. (Or did you arrive after I left?)


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My thought from having walked down that road is stay positive about things. do have the talk IF AND WHEN the time comes. I personally hope that the time comes when you are old and gray and not suffering from anyhting except Old age. This means a lot of great years to come ahead of you. Sometimes the message gets garbled between the brain and the mouth, and it does no come out right. PRAYERS AND HUGS For SUNSHINEY DAY tomorrow.

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"With friends like that, who needs enemas?".... :lol::shock:

Some of the words that come out of people's mouths sometimes.....Lordy, Lordy!

I'm sure she meant well too, but that's not something I would want anyone to say to Harry or I either....

Take care of yourself, and as far as "making plans" goes, I'd tell her you've already decided that you've chosen the Bahamas, surrounded by a bunch of handsome pirates, feeding you grapes, while you listen to the surf roll in! :lol:

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My answer has always been “I will have plenty of time for things like that after I beat this disease” I wanted to spend 100% of my time on beating my cancer.

So forget what they said and get in a happy mood. Laughter heals :lol:

Stay positive, :)


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Thank You all,I needed the lift.Feeling better now.I know she meant well,It just got me thinking.And I guess we all get a little down with this disease.We never know what lies ahead.I guess I like being in denial.

Love You Guys


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Marie, I'm sure your friend meant well, but sometimes people don't "hear" what they are saying and how insensitive it is.

You might say something like "yeah, you know I've been thinking about that. What did you put on your list? Maybe you can help me so I don't leave anything out."

Everyone one of us has the right to get hit by a freight train tomorrow.....

Hugs to you! I read your profile, you are such a positive person! Thinking of you,


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She's right.

Of course, if she hasn't done the same for herself, she's only half right.

Do it now, while you AREN'T sick, but don't sign things without knowing what they are. You may have a DNR if you're in the end stages of whatever, but if you've undergone surgery to get "the girls" where they used to be and are bleeding, you sure as heck want someone to save you... Read it ALL, I still refuse to fill out the living will...

That said, I DID go and have my will drawn up about three months after surgery. You'll feel a weight lift when you know that's taken care of - whether a beer truck mows you down tomorrow or the Heaven Welcome Wagon comes for you at 105!

Don't fixate on the negative, but realize the obvious - NO ONE lives forever. Planning for the "after" doesn't mean you're giving up, it means you're thinking ahead so someone else doesn't have to.

Take care, and buck up!

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I apologize for the thoughtlessness of this friend, Marie. You have come a LONG way from when you first posted here. Please don't let the ignorance of one take you down. Make the plans you feel the need to make................THEN go on living life!!!!


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This may put the smile back on your face.......we got a cleaning lady when I was first dx, a tiny little small town woman who just didn't think before speaking (and still doesn't).

After meeting me she got talking, "gee, you're the 8th person I've worked for that's had cancer and only one's still alive :shock::shock::shock: I shot back with "hopefully now you know two" and left the room real quick before I burst out laughing ~~~ she had no idea what she had just said.

I have laughed about this so often, it was a thoughtless remark on her part but the laughter has lasted over 5 years - bless her :lol:

Take comfort in the fact that your friend has no more idea how long she's going to live than any cancer survivor does, are her papers in order?

Don't fret about it,


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