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Hawaii Opinion


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I think I saw some folks on the site from Hawaii and I'm hoping I can get an opinion from folks that know.

I need to take the kids on vacation and I want to go somewhere warm where we can go swimming. Since our passports need renewing and not enough time to renew, vacation will have to be in the US. So I thought Hawaii would be good but which of the Islands is the best for kids (safe beaches and lots to do). I'll take any suggestion. Today my oncologist said I can take a two week break over the summer from treatment. Yippee!!!


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I am not from Hawaii, but I just returned from a week's stay there. All the major islands have great beaches. You might want to look up the Hawaiian Chamber of Commerce for suggestions.

Many people like Maui for its beaches. The Big Island of Hawaii has an active volcano, which you can fly over in a helicopter. Kauai is very lush and has a great canyon. And, Oahu, where Honolulu is, has many tourist sights.

It is good that you are taking time for yourself and family. Don

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I grew up in Hawaii. I lived on Oahu... I was always partial to waikiki side near Dukes statue( http://www.honolulu.gov/multimed/waikiki.asp ), Ala Moana beach park and Sand Island beach park (can be kinda rough water here).

No mater where you go always stop an talk to the life guard about conditions in the water like Rips or undertows...

Here is a site that can give you some info on beaches


http://www.bestplaceshawaii.com/tips/10 ... aches.html

also lemme check with my sister... They had a big sewage spill that contaminated alot of the beaches...lemme ask her if she thinks enough time has passed cause i know that she wouldnt take her Grandson for the longest time...

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[ tiredmom959 ] Calling Ned ... doesn't he live in Hawaii???

I'm here, I truly am!

Hi, Lilly -- great idea to take a summer break out this way. Weather in the summertime is more consistently good than at other times of the year, and the 30-foot waves like you see on TV are gone for a few months, so it's usually nice beach weather, especially for keiki (children).

Every island is a bit different, and they all have their charms, but for your situation I'd vote for Oahu -- not because it's "my" island, but because there's more packed into a small space. You don't want to be driving or riding a bus every day just to get to a beach when you could have Waikiki Beach within walking distance of many, many hotels. It may not be the best beach in Hawaii or even on Oahu, but it's perfectly adequate, convenient, and safe.

On the days when you want to venture forth from Waikiki, there's a lot to choose from, ranging from rather expensive to free. You can check out these websites to whet your appetite:


[Hawaii Visitors & Convention Bureau]

http://www.honolulu.gov/parks/facility/ ... elcome.htm

[Hanauma Bay Nature Preserve]


[sea Life Park]


[Hawaiian Waters Adventure Park]


[uSS Arizona National Memorial]

I haven't been to most of these places in years, but I still know how to use the phone, so send me a PM if I can help you with any details. Aloha,


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Knew you could give her some input Ned. I look at your location in all your posts with envy ... I've never been a person that longs to travel, more of a homebody or someone happy with a beach vacation on the east coast. But Hawaii is me and my husband's dream vaca ... probably not to soon be realized since we have two kids heading off to college soon.

It's sunny in Pittsburgh today

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[ tiredmom959 ] ...I've never been a person that longs to travel...but Hawaii is me and my husband's dream vaca...

I've lived here 35 years and frankly have no desire to travel anywhere else -- I had enough of that in the Air Force and I'm now where I want to be. But many people who were born and raised in Hawaii do have a strong urge to get away occasionally. Do you know what the most popular getting-away site is? Las Vegas!! In addition to visiting, many from Hawaii have retired in the new developments just outside of Vegas because of lower living costs, and they've brought their cherished customs and foods along to create a sort of "little" Hawaii.



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