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Anyone heard about Ocar the cat... been all over the news


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Thanks so much for posting this, Maryanne. I saw this is our paper yesterday and was going to post it but forgot. I do believe this is a pretty common occurence with cats. In Dennis' last hours, we couldn't get Jake, our big gray & white tuxedo cat to leave his bed. The hospice nurse was barely able to care for Dennis, as Jake just couldn't be close enough to him. When Dennis passed, Jake sat just outside our bedroom door and absolutely wailed for hours. I have never heard such a heartbreaking sound in my entire life. I do believe cats have a special gift for knowing things about the afterlife. There are so many times that I swear my cats, especially Jake, see things that I can't see. They will often sit on the side of my bed and raise their paws, playing with something that I can't see.

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For the last three months I've been sleeping on the sofa...our bed is so full of Michaels "stuff" and he requires too many covers for me to be able to sleep there. Our cat Precious has started sleeping with me on the sofa....every single night. Its a little crowded but I find it comforting to feel her fur on my feet. Oscar's story wierded me out a little and made me think..."why is this cat sleeping with me?"

I'm healthy...or at least I think I am!

Love & prayers for us all


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My cat Casey was an independant cat (we suited each other), he would sleep in my bed but not on top of me. However when I was sick or sad, he would come up on my chest, make a little noise and lay right there. I always knew that HE knew when something was wrong.

I'm afraid the cats I have now aren't as intuitive and would rather something did happen to me so they could take over the whole bed...

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Our cat stuck like glue when I was going through my lc tx. For the first time he slept with me all day on our sofa.......a great change as he didn't usually go any where near the leather furniture.

After my recent surgeries he was super attentive and after reading about Oscar last week I'm wondering...... :shock::shock::lol::lol:


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