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Dads favorite place


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Well, its that time of the year when mom and dad leave Mi. and go to to their winter home in Fla. My dad loved his time in Fla. When they would come home to Mi. in the spring, he would count down the days until they went back.

My husband and I will drive her down, spend a couple days there and then fly back home. Mom has such a wonderful circle of friends there, actually her three closest friends have all become widowed all within the past 3 years. They have been calling her to let her know that they are there for her and they will all get through this together. My dad was so loved by these people. I just read a posting from Becky that said something to the effect to treasure our friends because they chose to be our friends they weren't born into our lives. That holds so true to these wonderful people my mom has in Fla. We weren't sure if mom would go back without dad, we all know it's going to be the best for her. My dad would be so pleased to know she is going back.

On another note I am so nervous to do this. I am not exactly sure what going to happen when I see all their friends and walk into his home without him there. Its really hard for me to be at their house here in Mi. I am not at that point when I think of dad I smile, I wish I was but I cant seem to get there, I still cry and feel sad.

We are leaving a week from today. Hopefully, it won't be as emotional as I am anticipating it to be. Hugs to all of you.

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Cathy, It is good that your mom will be going to Florida-it will be difficult for you both, but it is also good that she has such wonderful friends waiting for her in Fla with open arms and hearts.

I am sorry that you are so nervous about entering the house without your Dad being there. There are no real answers, I guess, as to how to grieve.

Just let your feelings happen as they do, let yourself feel whatever feelings come-let yourself cry, or smile, or laugh, or just be sad. Give yourself time. Don't be afraid of how you will feel. Give youself a chance. If you cry with your parents' friends, let them help you. You just might be surprised. Don't stress yourself out as to "when" you will be able to think of your Dad and smile...it will happen when you least expect it.

I wish I could be there with you. Just remember that you've also got a group of friends here, that are ready to catch you if you need to be caught. And that we are ready to smile with you, when you find yourself remembering something about your Dad that makes you smile.

Take care of yourself, Cathy. Love, Deb

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Boy! This may be the second hardest thing you have ever done. I wish I knew some magic that would make it all better. But there is none.

Maybe the thought of your Mom in warm Fla with her good friends will help get you thru the pain. Her friends will help Her. Only time will help. It will get easier to live with the pain. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other. Wish I could think of some better words to help you.


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I think it is wonderful that your mother has this circle of good and caring friends. It is a blessing. So many widows have to face this grief and lonliness with no support. Think how happy your father would be that there are familty and friends there for your mother.

Try and remember the good times your father had in FL and how lucky he was to have had that time.


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I bet you are coming down I-75. YOu will be passing by my territory if you are. we at exit 189. I would say stop by but for some reason I don't think your mom would want to be reminded all over again.....

Your mom is probably looking forward to seeing her lady friends who knows what she is feeling. It will be good for her I think. If not, you can get back on a plane and pick her back up but somehow I don't see this happening until spring. Fla is her home as well as Mi. She will feel okay at both places plus she won't have to contend with snow.....and I wish I was going.......

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Thanks for listening everyone. One of these days I would love to have the opportunity to thank all my lcsc friends in person. Thank you for caring. Norme, I would really love to stop by and meet you and Buddy, if I didnt have my mom with me I definately would. Well, I will let you all know how it goes.

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