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Great Prelinimary Biopsy Results


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I posted this under test times last night and realized it should probably be under GOOD NEWS!!

Thanks to everyone for all your support, prayers and words of encouragment. I had my needle biopsy yesterday. The radiologist was a walking angel. She spent a lot of time getting as much information from me about my lungs as she could. She went in and got 5 (ouch) good samples and said that preliminary slides show no evidence of malignancy. YEAH!!!

I will get the final report on Thursday. I am much relieved, though I realize they may still recommend treatment because of the other nodules and nodes.

For now, I will relax a bit and give Thanks to God for some good news.

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I'm wishing you the very best, Barb. I think I inadvertantly found you in the Carepages. I visit there often and did a search for LC. I remember you mentiond the Karmanos Center. Anway......your pic is beautiful. I will be anxiously waiting for the final word. I've got lots of stuff crossed for you!!!!


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Its amazing how much we worry and think the worse. That's just the human spirit. But the elated feelings we get when we get good results is priceless.

That's one down. I hope all comes out positive with your nodules. By positive I mean in a good way of course.

Maryanne :wink:

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