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First Chemo behind me.


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Had my first Chemo Monday. Avastin, Taxo, Carbo with no side effects first & second Day. Then tingling, numbness and stabbing in feet, knees. Took Lortab & Neurontin. Feeling better today, but very weak,have difficulty walking. Will this get worse the next time. Wonder what is next.


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Congratulations! I had carbo and taxol (without avastin) 4 1/2 years ago. Felt good the first 2 days and then not so good for a couple days. After that I was fine until day 3 of the next treatment. I don't think it got much worse, but the "not so good" days lasted longer. Compazine or something like that helped me and made me sleepy which was a good thing for a day or so. Good luck! Let us know how the next treatment goes.


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Be sure your onc knows about the numbness, tingling, and stabbing in the feet and legs. Apparently he does, since you mention taking Neurontin. Peripheral neuropathy, probably from the Taxol, does tend to get worse with each treatment and can become disabling (even permanently disabling) if it progresses too far. Mine didn't start until the 6th -- and last planned -- Taxol/Carbo cycle, so no treatment decisions had to be made, and the Neurontin completely resolved it eventually (see my profile). Your onc should be able to switch you to another chemo that's less likely to cause neuropathy. Aloha,


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Renate, I was in a clinical study and I also had Carbo, Taxol and Avastin. My first treatment knocked me for a loop on the 3rd day after for abiut 4 days I could barely eat or move. Felt like a truck ran me over while I was sleeping. They lowered my Taxol dose by 20% for the next 3 treatments. I did still have the pain in the legs but not as severe and they didn't last as long. I still felt stronger and stronger after each treatment. About a week and a half after the treatment you will start to notice a difference. Keep your chin up, things will get better. :lol:

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thanks what did the Neulasta shot did to you. When I had my first different cancer 3 years ago. I received a Neulasta shot and had no side effects whatsoever.



I got up today for the frist time, was in Bed since Wednesday afternoon. I am still very weak and my biggest worry are my feet, not my legs anymore.My feet are very numb.


the tingling etc. is now gone. It's the numbness that bothers or worries me.

Thanks to everone who responded in such a caring way.


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Just wanted to pipe in and send you some WELL WISHES! I wish there was something I could do to help you through this. Taxol is noted for neuropathy. It sound like that's what is happening to you with the numbness in your feet. Let your doctor's office know these things as soon as possible. They need to be in tune to what is going on with you at all times. Don't try to pass anything off. This isn't something to play with on our own.

I sure hope your feeling better each and every day.

((((((((((((((((((((RENATE)))))))))))))))))) Get Well Hugs to you.

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First treatment was on Wednesday and the truck hit my Friday morning. I was in bed for 5 days as well, just real weak,tingling pain sensation starting in my knees and running down to my feet. It was the Taxol and when they reduced the dosage just 20%, I still had some weakness and tingling pain in my legs but not as severe and it only lasted 3 or 4 days.But I was able to get up and do some things unlike the first treatment. I did have numbness in my hands and thumbs, it was intermittent. My ONC was not too concerned by the numbness etc, but every ONC is different and have their own ideas of treatment and remedies. I could not take any other drugs to alleviate the symptoms because of the clinical study requirements.

I had Neulasta shots twice and had no side effects either time. It was the Taxol that was causing all the side effects. Fortunately, this 3 drug combination works well and I got good response with the tumor shrinking enough to go to just the Avastin maintenance for now. I know it will do its job for you too Renate, my thoughts and prayers are with you. Think positive that this uncomfortable time will pass and you will feel stronger after each time, which is your body working with the medicines to rid the disease.

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Glad to hear you are doing so much better, I hope I will get there too. What stage is your cancer? And has is spread?

I am up now, it's just the numbness in my feet. How are your feet und knees? Did the numbness go away?

Thanks for writing.


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Hope things are better today. I never had the tingling or numbness but my first Neulasta shot - WOW!! Woke up the next morning and my bone pain was intense!! Couldn't move and could barely get out of bed to go to the bathroom. Lasted for three days and then never had it again!!!

Thinking of you - Patti B

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Renate, the tingling and numbness has pretty much subsided. I haven't had Taxol now since 1-2-2008. I assume you are going to have 6 cycles, like I said it seemed to get a little easier after the first one. Same side effects but not as severe and only lasted a couple of days instead of 5 days on my back.

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"Renate" ...Ned, the tingling etc. is now gone. It's the numbness that bothers or worries me.

When I had my siege of neuropathy, it came on in the sequence of first numbness, second tingling, and third the random stabs or shocks throughout the legs that caused sudden weakness and a tendency to fall. When things started improving, that went away first, then the tingling, finally (and this took a while) the numbness. Everything I've heard and read tells me that neuropathy tends to get worse with each additional infusion of the drug that caused it (probably Taxol in your case) because the toxic effects gradually build up in the system.

Since Taxol is such an effective drug, and since it's been in use for years and most oncs are very familiar with its characteristics, it is still widely used (and not nearly as expensive as some of the new drugs). A lot of people, probably most, never get neuropathy from Taxol, and if I'd stopped after 5 cycles I would have been one of those and you would never have heard from me on this issue. Of my other side effects (see profile), some were less pronounced as I went through the 4-month Taxol/Carbo/Avastin program, some got a little worse each time, and some had no particular pattern. But when the neuropathy hit during my 6th cycle, I knew it was something different, especially when I had to ask my wife to pull her deceased father's walker out of the closet so I could get around. And although the tingling-stabbing resolved soon after starting the Neurontin while the fatigue, drainage, digestive, and other problems went on and off for months, the neuropathy still stands out as the most disabling and potentially serious complication I faced. It's not something to be taken lightly.

Some have mentioned Neulasta, and yes, the bone-aching drop-dead flu-like fatigue from that first injection was a real wipeout -- but it was less troublesome each time and I hardly noticed it during my 5th and 6th cycles.

Time to head down the hill for my monthly port flush. Aloha,


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I will get 3 rounds of chemo every 3 weeks.

Spoke to the Onco's Nurse today, she said I should take a Vitamin B complex for the numbness and tell the Dr. next time, he will most likely adjust the Taxo next time.

Ned I just love your Labrador, we had one like you, her Name was Blondie, and a Black one his Name was Blackie.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Ned,

I do remember that you stated your Neurapathy was so bad at one point you needed a walker. And it went away, just by itself, or did you take anything ?

I had my second round of Chemo, told the Doc. before about this problem, he adjusted the Taxel from 340 to 298. It is still worse than before. Have a difficult time walking, very dizzy, painful, weakness all over my body. Spend a lot of time in bed. Can hardly function. Any advise?



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Hi Renate, I'm so sorry this chemo is knocking you on your butt. Sometimes this stuff just does that to some people. It's best if you try to rest and NOT push yourself to do things for a day or so. Sometimes that's how our bodies tell us to take it easy.

Drink lots of water and get some Ensure in you. If things get worse, you NEED TO CALL YOUR DOCTOR's office.

Sending you GET WELL WISHES!!!

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"Renate" ...I do remember that you stated your neuropathy was so bad at one point you needed a walker. And it went away, just by itself, or did you take anything?

My onc prescribed Neurontin. I tracked him down by phone and he called in the prescription to my local pharmacy. The neuropathy was much better within a couple of days, but my onc said most people don't get better that fast. Another drug that's sometimes used is Lyrica, but I haven't used that. Please call your onc, and good luck. Aloha,


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