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Hey there ladies. I am wondering if any of you have experienced the "chemopause" thing. I made it through 3 out of 4 chemo treatments with normal cycles and now the "pause" thing seems to have set in. Major hot flashes during evening, lack of sleep and night sweats..and frankly a bit grumpy. And albeit I thought I might be pleased about getting rid of the "normal" thing, I now think I would like it back, thank you very much. Am interested in others experiences. Has anyone experienced this and then gone back to "normal". This is probably a topic for PM's but if you are as brave as I am, post away!

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Hi Sandra,

I had 6 chemo treatments and stopped having cycles after the first one. My last treatment was in November and I'm still having hot flashes, although, not as often as before. I've stopped having night sweats. No cycle return yet. I'm thinking it's not going back to normal for me.


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Oh Heck, we've talked about this before. :roll::wink:

I was 43 when my journey started. When I completed chemo I missed about 9 months of periods. It was awesome! Yep, I had the hotflashes, and night sweats and all that good stuff too. My doctor put me on MEGACE for the hotflashes. It worked like a CHARM! They give that to breast cancer patients for hotflashes too. I was on it for about 3 years.

My periods were never the same after chemo. Sometimes I would get them and sometimes I would go for months without them. It's was a crap shoot! After I went off the megace, the hotflashes came back and holy crap were they awful! So, my Onc doc and my OBGYN said I could go on HRT (low dose) I did that for about 6 years.

I'm 55 now, and haven't had a period for over 7 years. I am no longer on anything for hotflashes, and I have to say I still get them, but not as often and not as bad.

Hope this helps in some way. If I think of more, I will post.

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There was a member who went through "chemopause" and then started having cycles again - started right up just before a big family vacation, of course...

I wouldn't assume it's all over, after your body "heals" you may find Aunt Flo begins visiting you again. She'll probably come with a vengeance some summer day when you're all decked out in white pants and far from home, cuz that's just how she is...


Luck to you!

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My last one was after my first chemo treatment-Nov 97-at the age of 41. They never returned, but for the first year blood tests showed I was NOT in menopause. The hot flashes initially were quite severe, but as quick as they started they disappeared. I didn't take anything for them.

The loss of estrogen does cause some "intimate" issues, but there are great products for that too!!! And now they are on commercials!


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Well thank you ladies. It seems you can post just about any crazy thing on this website and get an answer. Lots of good information. And, hey I have never met Aunt Flo before. Learn something new all the time here, just never know what it might be. Happy Easter

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I was done with those darn things long before I started chemo. Menopause comes early in my family - my mom, my sister and I all started having periods believe it or not when we were 9 years old!!! So - you run out early, too!!! Hot flashes were horrendous for a while and then they went away thank God. Once they stop, life is a breeze!!! Don't miss Aunt Flo at all!!!!!

Hugs- Patti B.

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I have had several stops and starts with my period over the course of the 4 years since diagnosis. My cycle stopped during my initial chemo and for another 6 months, then I took a trip to the Beach in Florida - 1st day it was back. At the start of my Avastin/Tarceva treatment my cycle stopped until I stopped taking Avastin....six months later I was again heading to the beach for vacation and sure enough "it was back again".

I think it is a cruel joke that after all we have been through with treatments. I wish there was a magic pill that says ENOUGH already :)

I have been cycle free for about 8 months now, anyone willing to bet when I will be back to a cycle?


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