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Hi everyone,

Just wanted to let you know that tomorrow is my mediastinoscopy and bronchosopy. Last week was the worst of my life because my oldest sister took Mom and put her in an old age home on Thursday. I've just been trying to calm down and try to accept this new reality, or as someone said "new normal" before my procedure tomorrow. I went for pre-op blood work, chest x-ray and ECG this morning and will be admitted to hospital tomorrow at 10 a.m.., the meida/bronch takes place at noon and should be home several hours later.

I haven't even asked the surgeon when I get the results. Maybe not until the PET scan, and I still don't know when that takes place.

When I do get some news, I'll let you all know, and I want to apologize if I have missed any messages. I wasn't able to respond as, well, I was heartbroken, but coming to terms with it, somewhat, now.


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Hi Kelly. So sorry to hear you had a tough week. Don't ever feel bad about not being able to respond here. We all have our days and weeks. Good luck with your procedures tomorrow. The bronchosopy is fairly easy to recover from. The media a bit trickier but I am sure you will do fine and are in good hands. Take care and thanks for the update


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One of the hardest things I've had to accept during the past 17 months is that I can no longer be of help to my family members--or at least not the kind of help I want to be.

My own mother (83 years old) has taken the news of my dx terribly. Her only other child, my younger sister, died in a car accident in 1969 and now my mother's about to survive her only remaining child. I won't bother you with the details of how this has affected her; suffice it to say, she is not the same woman today that she was 17 months ago; and there is nothing I can do about it.

My heart is with you.


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Thanks for all the prayers and good wishes! The media/bronch went well yesterday. Everybody at the hospital was wonderful! I understand why someone said the media was harder than the bronch to recuperate from!

The next step, then, is the PET scan. I don't know when that will take place, probably in a week or two, and then I'll finally get all of the results.

I want to thank all of you wonderful, supportive people for being here. I've learned so much from you. And will learn much more over the coming months!


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One of the hardest things I've had to accept during the past 17 months is that I can no longer be of help to my family members--or at least not the kind of help I want to be.

My own mother (83 years old) has taken the news of my dx terribly. Her only other child, my younger sister, died in a car accident in 1969 and now my mother's about to survive her only remaining child. I won't bother you with the details of how this has affected her; suffice it to say, she is not the same woman today that she was 17 months ago; and there is nothing I can do about it.

My heart is with you.


Carole, you are one brave woman with a great attitude towards life! Your family is blessed to have you. I'll find it very difficult not to be able to help my family either. I get my joy in helping others and can't stand the thought that I'll be a burden on them.

It must have been a terrible blow to your Mother. My prayers are with both of you. At least with my Mother, with her memory problems, she won't know about me. That comforts me.

Reading your story and others here has helped give me the strength to carry on. You're all so kind and thoughtful. And you've made me realize that life goes on, even through very difficult times. I guess learning that there is nothing you can do about some situations (your Mother and mine) and accepting that is awful but necessary.


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Kelly - glad the procedure is over and it went well for you. Now onto the next step, the PET scan, which is a breeze (at least it was for me).

Yes, Carole is one very wise lady isn't she - I too admire her a great deal.

Take care, and keep us posted please.



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Great to here everything went well Kellly. You should recover from that media fairly quickly. It hasn't touched any nerves so easier than the thora thing. Keep it clean though and if you are on pain meds go and buy a bottle of Senokot and start taking them. Trust me you do not want to deal with constipation. Keep us posted and take good care


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Thanks for the kind words, Kelly and Linda, but I am neither brave, nor wise. For every step forward, there have been at least two steps backward. :(

In the meantime, I'm glad your procedure went well, Kelly, and hope you'll get good results from those and your upcoming PET scan, too.


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Hi Linda,

Yes, I am looking forward to the PET scan after the media/bronch procedure. They gave me two Tylenol 3's at the hospital and I felt okay at home and then everything wore off at night and was really wishing the surgeon had given me a prescription for pain. Maybe he forgot. Then today I was coughing so hard and of course with the incision and my throat it was terrible, when I remembered I had some left over Tylenol 3s from the dentist so took two and that has stopped the cough and the pain. I don't mean to complain but why on earth wouldn't the doctor have given me a prescription? Or warned me about the media? He made it sound like it would be a piece of cake, and although not horrific, I wish he had told me so I could have planned today better. I was able to eat soft foods today though, so am on the mend! Good excuse to eat macaroni and cheese! And...

Hi SandraL,

Thanks for the reminder about Senokot! Just took two. Not that I have been eating much for the past week or so, but everything's just so mixed up now, so am really glad of your reminder.

Hope I don't sound like a big whiner about my first baby steps into LC Land, because I don't complain in real life, at least not often.

Anyway, dear Carole, if I have half the grace you do over the coming months, I'll be very happy.

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