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I am out of the hospital thank goodness !!!

bart ziggie ( Greg )

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Hello to all my friends !!! I am now out of the hospital and back home. I took my treatment today in the hospital before being discharched. CPT-11 only. I will not be taking the cisplatin again ! PERIOD ! We are going to try the CPT-11 as a single agent for now and hope it works on the liver mets. Dr. says i have 4 new lesions since my last scan 4 weeks ago. The original 4 have also grew considerably which is not good and we know that they need to shrink. Hopefully the CPT-11 will do it ! At any rate it is so good to be back amongst the fighters here on the front lines. This is where the work is done right here. This is where my calling is as well. As i had indicated before i got sick last week i was pushing my local media so hard for them to recognize Nov. as lung cancer awareness month. I got so frustrated i almost was ready to pull my hair out. My telephone finally rang and it was a reporter who wanted to interview me about lung cancer. I agreed and the column was published. I am not at home right now i am at a relatives house however when i get home i will scan the article and post it in the activism forum if you are interested in seeing it. My efforts still fell short in my opinion. I got so frustrated with my hometown media in their lack of sensitivity regarding lung cancer. I guess i am just a newbie at this. This is my first Nov. hopefully, next year i will do better in my efforts. At any rate it is good to be back home love ya all and i missed you beyond belief.

your friend


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Greg -

Sorry to hear that you have more and bigger mets, but glad that you and your docs have so much confidence in the CTP-11! I will be praying for your success and hopefully only minor side effects.

Can't wait to read your article! ANY publicity is GOOD publicity!

Hugs and prayers,


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