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OH CRAP!!! What have I done?

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For those who have followed. Jayla and I havebeen sick but are healing.

About 20 minutes ago Tom had about a 1 minute coughing attack. It was pretty wicked. He has been quite now and is resting again. Oh GOD I hope I didn't get him sick!!! Please just let it be a fluke. I will be having a very restless night watching over him.

How bad will it be for him if he caught this cold. The worst thing for me has been the cough. We are going for day 22 of 35 for radiation tomorrow and the last chemo on Monday. I don't think he can afford to get sick at this point in the game. Or any point for that matter.

Please, Please, Please just let it be a fluke!!!




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Don't panic. I do understand your fears, but just maybe it has nothing to do with the illness you and Jayla have had. Even if it does, it's not something you did. It's not your fault. Hope you can rest tonight, you need it for yourself. Hope things look brighter tomorrow.



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Might I add that he has lost 15 pounds this past month. He was 201 with his clothes and shoes on at Rad today. Now I see him everyday so I have not noticed this. It is not like he couldn't stand to lose some weight before this all came about in January. In the last 5 months he has lost a total of 30 pounds.

He is now doing a lot of throat clearing noises. I will watch and wait and hopefully get some sleep. I just took my Cheratussin with codeine and I think I am ready for La La Land. This seems to have been my miracle drug today.


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you need to fight the weight loss. Cachexia is a Bugger if it sarts it is harder to fight!

Ensure, Boost, Ice cream, smoothies, shakes, soups anyhting high in fat basically and you can add some protein powder to it for some extra zing.

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Well it is not a fluke. The cough is here to stay. I will call the doctor first. he said his throat is sore but it could be irritated from the cough.


I have ensure in the house and he likes it with ice cream and we make a big shake out of it.

This is a little scary.


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YOU HAVE DONE NOTHING WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Germs float around everywhere and noone can stop that so don't blame yourself. Tom himself could have picked this up at work.

Now - please take him to the doctor. Could be something like a sinus infection. Everyone here where I live is on antibiotics for that cause the weather has been so nuts. But whatever it is, he needs to start on treatment right away so it doesn't get worse. And get some ensure in him to get some weight back on.

Keep us posted.

Hugs - Patti B.

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I feel your pain Denise. I gave Kelly a wicked respiratory cold about 2+ weeks after her failed surgical attempt to remove the lobe. Talk about feeling like the WORST SISTER EVER! To this day she still says - oh it wasn't your fault. My friends say, could have been anyone that gave it to her. But I know it wasn't. I about cried everytime she coughed, knowing how painful it was for her. She did end up in the ER one night, where they were able to look at a very recent lung xray and see that there really wasn't much going on and she'd just have to wait it out. Which she did and she is none the worse for the wear now. Though I still wallow in the guilt from time to time.

So, even though I do feel that way, I also know that you and I, didn't do anything wrong and we shouldn't beat ourselves up. I agree with the others, at least get him to the dr now. Maybe if I had insisted on that with Kelly, hers wouldn't have gotten that bad. I did call the surgeon and they said, sounds like she'll just have to let it run its course. But still, I appreciate how scary it is for you to be listening to it and worrying, and the added guilt doesn't help. But again - NOT YOUR FAULT. :)

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Tom is being stubborn. AAARRRGGGGHHHH!!!!!

I told him I would call the doctor to see what to do about the cough. He said no cause he's just going to want me to come in and I have things to do today. I don't have time for that.

So I called and am having them call him so they can hear how he sounds and convince him that it is in his best interest to come in and be seen.


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Good for you for calling the Doc. My Dad was stubron too. He used to call me "Nurse Betty" because I would always be hounding him about calling the doc whenhe wasnt feeling well. I did eventually graduate to Dr.BETTY toward the middle of his illness. and that was how i was always introduced to new people at the hospital or md's office.To bad I didnt get paid like the real ones!! :lol::lol:


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Tom will see the doctor AT 8:30 A.M. TOMORROW. WOO HOO!!!! The office is just down the street from where he has rad. He is done with rad by 8 and then it is off to the doc.



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Well after a night of hacking we got Tom to the doctor this morning and he gave him Levaquin and Tussinex. Now as Tom was getting checked out I am sitting in the corner hacking up a lung mind you. The doc says you sound worse than he does. He said who did you see for the cough? I said the PA. Asks me what’s he doing about it. I told him what Jeff said about it just being a virus. Tells me to hop up on the table and get re-evaluated. He said I was wheezing.

Now my virus has a name. It's called the New-Mo-Ni-A Virus aka Pneumonia!!! And now I have an inhaler, a new anti-biotic (Levaquin), a steroid medi-dose pack and a cough syrup.

And that’s not all. I was talking to my 3 years this month breast cancer survivor Mom last night. She tells me that she was sitting on the couch and felt a sharp pain under her right arm. So she puts her hand there and voila!!!! She feels a new lump. Oh Boy!!! She is going to make an appt to go get that checked out.

Well that’s all I have for now.


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Oh, Denise. There seems to be no limit to how much you're being asked to bear. :(

I am so sorry about your Mom, and also about your pneumonia dx, but I am also so glad the doctor examined you (as well as Tom) so that you are being treated appropriately.

I wish I could do something to help, but all I can think of is a "virtual" hug (trying not to break your ribs!).

And in the meantime, take care of yourself and get well quickly!



Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.--the late, great George Carlin

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So I started using the inhaler and I am all jittery now. What is up with that? My chest feels funny and I am having pain in my upper back all the way across. I have never had pneumonia before so I don't know what is going on and I am not liking how I feel. I am feeling a bit like a space cadet.

Then tonight I have to add the steroids to the mix. OY VEY!!!


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If its an albuterol inhaler, it will make you very jittery!! When Nick was young and had VERY bad viral-induced asthma, liquid albuterol made him into the Tasmanian Devil. I am now on the inhaler and it makes me jittery and gives me a headache.

The pains in your back could be from coughing so much. You pull a lot of muscles when you cough for too lomg.

Now - get yourself to bed and rest.

Hugs - Patti B.

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