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Whiny and grumpy as scan time approaches....

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My mom goes for her scans on Thursday. I am already nervous and itchy ( I hate being itchy all over). I feel like things are too good, the other shoe must drop. GGGRRRRR. I am soooo blessed and lucky, I am fully aware of that, but I also know luck has to run out at some point.

I know it is normal to go through these feelings, I decided to post in case others feel the same way, they are not alone (and I love to whine). :lol:

In other news, I gained a lot of the weight back that I had lost last year, so I am on a medically supervised diet that I started two weeks ago. I get 5 shakes a day for 500 calories. No more eating macaroni n cheese off the highchair. :( I also went back to the gym. Why is it that only skinny people do the classes???? I try to hide in the back, but since I am fluffy I stick out and an instructor usually comes over to correct my form. Thankfully I am not shy in my old age!

I will write when scan results come in.

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Andrea, Good luck with your mom's scans. I started getting itchy right after my last infusion. My next along with my scan is due three weeks from then. I can usually keep the eeby geebies at bay until just after that previous scan. I'll be a wreck under the surface where most people won't see it until Aug 12. I'll probably start whining in earnest about a week before.

I'm still mad that I've put back on the 15 lbs I worked so hard for six months to lose just before I got diagnosed. I stopped going to the gym over four years ago when I bought myself the Total Gym so I don't have to worry about the workout clothes anymore, and I haven't done classes since I was thirty-something. But girl, 500 calories? Can someone live on that???

Judy in Key West

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Hi Andrea. I like your adjectives...whiny, grumpy, nervous and itchy..think I got that right. Whatever they are they are perfectly natural at scan time. We all go through it and some of us get more whacko than others. Prayers and positive thoughts for you and your mom...


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I hope all goes well with your mom. I think the babies have been good medicine for your parents.

Maybe we need to start up our online ""Getting Smaller" club again for everyone to work on the weight.

Let us know how the scan goes.


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Hoping and praying for great scan results. I am beginning to get "itchy" myself and in another two weeks I will be out of my mind (which a lot of people say I already am) :lol::lol::lol:

500 cals a day????? What do you get to eat, one carrot a day?????? Geez - good luck!!!

Please keep us posted and once again, hope mom's scan is GREAT!!!

Hugs - Patti B.

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Thanks everyone :) Ry, I should post about Getting Smaller Club in just for fun, it is a good idea :):)

It is a medically supervised diet, it is literally called "Very Low Calorie Diet". I eat 5 shakes a day that was provided by the center and I see a dr weekly to get checked. I don't recommend going on 500 calories without clearance ;)

I will post after results.

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