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Having a hard time


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My Dad was diagnosed with small cell lc at the end of June. He is 79. At first he passed all the tests and scheduled for surgery. He kept having pain ib his left arm. The bone scan was negative. When it became unbearable our family Dr. took an X ray. It showed bone mets to the point where his arm was broken. No lung surgery. Off to have a rod inserted in his arm. Started on Morphine. After we have him home a while, he can't breath. Tell the oncologist-his reply-you have lung cancer. It will only get worse. I demanded an O2 level. It was 87% and O2 was ordered. A few days later he started hallucinating. It became worse and worse-he became combative . He was up all night. We reported all this to Dr.He told us to take him off Morphine. He keeps getting worse. They say it is still the Morphine in his system. Night 4 we call 911 and get him to the hospital-double pneumonia and High Calcium. Since he has been admitted he he developed clots in both legs. He threw a clot 2 nights ago to his lungs. Today he had a severe episode of what they think is angina. Severe chest pressure, shortness of breath, BP 74/38. After treatment his BP jumped to 196/88. It is just one thing after another. I am scared and frustrated.

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First Off welcome to the place no one wants to be but is glad they are for all the right reasons

Secondly This bugs me to ne end!!!

Tell the oncologist-his reply-you have lung cancer. It will only get worse. I demanded an O2 level. It was 87% and O2 was ordered. A few days later he started hallucinating. It became worse and worse-he became combative and tried to stab my brother.

Time to find an Oncologist that cares some and is willing to fight and not go "Oh WEll!!!" If I had been there I would have beena rrested for what I would have done!!


Today he had a severe episode of what they think is angina. Severe chest pressure, shortness of breath, BP 74/38

Could this be fluid around the Lungs MAybe? Sounds like a possibility but I amnot a doctor just making a suggestion to ask about perhaps!!

Hope this helps a little bit Just some random thoughts But I am not a doctor! We do ahve an oncologist on our boards though! Dr West at the Swedish iNstitue in Seattle is oour on call ONcologist. He runs a message board that lots of us belong to called Grace!! Here is a link For Ya Dr West is great about answering questions as sonn as he can!!

Click on the link to go to his site;


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I did switch oncs. For Dads "angina" today they ordered an EKG, telemetry, upped his Fentanyl, did a chest x-ray and lung scan, nitro paste and upped his O2 to 4L. He is still experiencing pressure, but it is better. He also says he can't eat because he has so much "Stomach pressure". I worry that it might be his liver. But so far they aren't paying attention to that, with everything else that is going on.

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Hi and welcome. I'm so sorry to hear about your Dad and everything that has been thrown at him so quickly. I hope they are able to start addressing his medical issues so that he (and all of you) can better fight this terrible disease. We're all here for you. Please continue to post and let us know how we can help. Shelley

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Whew, step back, take a deep breath and count to ten. I couldn't agree more with Sandra, that was all just too much too fast. It sounds like things are beginning to be approached in a more reasonalbe manner with the new onc though. And I wanted to tell you, as a cancer warrior myself there is nothing better in this world than having a daughter who is a nurse and an oncology nurse to boot! I know, my daughter is one so girl, you just keep looking over their shoulders and making sure they're taking good care of your dad just like it sounds like you are doing.

Welcome aboard. Much support to be found here.

Judy in Key West

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Welcome Shrimp. Sorry you have reason to be here, tho. I'm sorry your Dad has had such a terrible time so far. I'm really glad that he has a different onc. and hope things take a turn for the better now that he's getting the attention he deserves.

Have his dr.s determined whether his cancer is NSCLC or SCLC? Just out of curiousity, what part of the country does he live in?

Please keep us updated re: how he and you are doing.


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Hi shrimp. Welcome to this site. Sorry to read that you Dad is having such a difficult time. You are certainly ahead of alot of us because of your medical background as an oncology nurse. Please keep posting updates.

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Dad has SCLC. His lymph nodes showed some necrotic tissue but no mets and his tumor was localized. He had passed his pulmonary function test , stress test, bone scan and CT of his head. We thought we were going to be lucky and have a good chance with lobectomies. They were going to remove 2 lobes on his right side. Then we found the bone mets to his left arm.

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Thanks Today was quieter. They did an echo of his heart today. His bloating is up into the epigastric area and making it harder to breath. They don't seem interested. I guess it is low on their priority list. Mom said it was softer later this eve, so maybe it will resolve itself.

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Oh no shrimp, I am so sorry to hear that. Make sure whoever is at the hospital is advocating strongly on his behalf for any and all symptoms and especially his comfort. It does not sound that he has been receiving the best medical care and everyone deserves that. I am so sorry you, your dad and your family are going through this right now. I hope you can go and be with him. Prayers for your dad.


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Hi Shrimp-

Welcome to the boards altho I hate the reason you have to be here. Great group of people here, though.

So glad you switched oncs. First one sounded like he didn't have your dads best interest at heart. It is good that you have a medical background, you can know somewhat more of what is going on.

I sure hope that things begin to turn around for your dad. He is so lucky to have you by his side.

Keep posted and please keep us updated on his progress.

Hugs - Patti B.

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I just got back home. Dad misunderstood. He got a unit of blood, but he is just not making enough RBC's due to his poor diet, age and recent surgeries. He has a little color now. I hope the increase blood volume eases his breathing some.They increased his oral pain meds to every 4 hours for the pressure in his chest.

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First of all welcome to the most fantastic group of caring folks that you will ever find. I will be saying mega prayers for you and your family. Please give your dad a hug for me. I lost my Father in Dec 07 and miss that part. He didn't pass from LC, leukimia and old age (90). Take care and remember to step back from all the medical from time to time to talk about stuff not related to the cancer.

Take Care


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I am back home and Dad was all smiles this evening. He said this is the first day he has felt comfortable. They let him stand at the bedside and he was very wobbly but that is progress. They finally started therapy on his arm. Things are definitely looking up. He gets his weekly evaluation from radiation tomorrow. Friday is supposed to be his last treatment.

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Good to hear he is smiling and more comfortable. I hope things continue to go well. Shrimp you might want to post further updates in the Family Members/Caregivers forum. More folks will be likely to read your updates there and send responses. It took me awhile to get used to this site when I first signed on and which forum to post things in. But basically, once you inroduce yourself, there are several other forums here (I hope you are reading those) to make posts. Take good care


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Hello Shrimp and welcome

I am so sorry for what you and your dad have been going through! Just too much!

Please know we are all here for you and we will help you as much as we can.

If you could fill out a profile, it will give us all a better idea of what has been going on with your Dad as far as treatments, etc. Click on the button at the top of the page that says Profile and just fill it in when you have a moment.

Sending postive thoughts, hugs and prayers to you and Dad,


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I am so sorry about your Stepfather. It is horrible when we don't seem to get answers. Dad now has numbness in his abdomen and legs and can only take a few steps with the help of 3 people. I worry about spinal mets. I thought Dad was going down fast, but your stepfather went really quick. It leaves me in ongoing shock. Hard to grasp. How are you coping? I hope the pain is easing some.

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