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Needing some HOPE?


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Just wanted to update everyone on David W. condition. It has gotten worse. He has another tumor in the left lung and it is in his adrenal gland also. He is on Iressa but not really sure if it is doing anything for him, we thought it might be because he started getting acne, funny at age 50.

He started coughing up blood and called the onco and they did an xray and then an emergency broncoscopy to see where the bleeding was coming from. The pea size tumor that is blocking the broncial tube was bleeding and they suggested radiation.

David has had 2 radiation treatments and just feeling exhausted, he's not eating very much, I am trying to keep fluids down him. He was not breathing very well so we called the onco and went to hospital to get him hydrated again.

Emotionally, He is just wanting to give up. I can't take that. I feel like the doctors are just so calm about everything. So where do we go from here, if the Iressa is not working????

David's mother is not handling this at all!! We had to put her into the Mental Health Unit and she has schizophrenia and deep depression. They were to release her on Tuesday and I told them that if she could not care for herself then we could not take her home with us. I feel like when it rains it pours and I feel emotionally overloading with all of this.

Does anyone have any hope of what to do next?? Needing some words of wisdom. I read on here all the time about how well Iressa is doing for everyone. I just wish we had some positive news.

David is in the hospital right now, getting ready to go get another cat scan to see if the tumors are growing. I guess we will see from the results where we go from here. The onco is putting him on some anti-depressants, I think I need some too!

Thanks for everyone here in advance. I am so glad I have a place to vent my fustrations.

God bless.

Nancy W.

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I know how your are presently feeling, believe me...but the world is not ending so we must put one foot in front of the other and keep going.

Iressa has helped many people but it also has done nothing for many. It is a great drug to those it helps.

Your husband it on that roller coaster ride right now. The drs need to come up with a stragery for him. RAdiation is very hard on the body but it can and does work. When Buddy had all those treatments he could not eat for a long time nor drink much. I worried so during that period but all worked out and he began eating again. Don't fret about this for it only gets worse before it gets better with radiation.

Will keep your husband and you in my prayers.

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It's amazing what a lungful of good air and a good night's sleep will do for one's attitude. Hopefully David will be feeling a little better soon, albeit tired.

Give him hugs from us, and remind him he is in our prayers, as are you. I hope you can find time in there somewhere for a good hot bubblebath and a nap. Sometime life's stresses seem like too much, I know.

We have one option, and that's to keep putting one foot in front of the other..... Thank God for friends who support us and pray for us.

Hang in there. You're not alone.


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Sorry to hear David is having so many problems. Hang in there as best you can. Things can change so very fast with this disease.

As for eating: Does David like milkshakes? I have some appatite problems (lost 40lbs in less than 6 months and didn't know I had cancer at the time!) also and found "power shakes" to be the solution. Here's the recipie:

Fill a blender about half way with your favorite ice cream.

Add milk (I use Soy milk)

Mix until smooth.

Add two big scoops of "Weight Gainer 2200" which can be found at health food stores and many "chain" pharmacies (like Rite Aid). It's a poweder that comes with it's own big scoop.

Mix well and enjoy!

I usually go through a blenders worth in a day. It not only stopped the weight loss, I've actualy gained four pounds. It's a bit cheaper than Ensure or Boost and tastes much better which makes it more fun to drink.


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Nancy, I'm sorry I don't know the answers to your questions, but during my 1st go around with lc I started having a problem coughing up bloody sputum, not sue they ever figured out why but I has a ct done then and it was determined then that my tumor was shrinking.

Please give David a Big (((((((((((Hug)))))))))))) from another David, and know that you two are in my thoughts and prayers, also sorry to hear about David's mother.

Take care you two. DavidA

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Nancy I'm truely sorry to hear about your problems. Even if he doesn't eat it is very important to push the fluids which you sound like your doing. Darrell during and after his radiation( which he had 33) he couldn't eat and had trouble even drinking..He became dehydrated twice, he finally made hisself at least drink! Darrells lost 40 pounds during this time. Hes gained some back, but one week he lost 12 to 14 pounds.. he wasn't eating or drinking.

Also don't neglect yourself, that is so easy to do. You really should take time and see your own doctor and get on some antidepressants. I couldn't deal with this at all if it wasn't for mine. Also if you get on some and they don't work, go back and tell your doctor that. Because my doctor had to change mine and put me on something else, which is working and she said she could even up it if it doesn't work, to call her or come back in.. We have to keep ourselves healthy in order to help them. Many have given me that advice and I truely know how hard that can be at times!! I still struggle! But hang in there and pm if you ever need someone to talk to.

Nancy I will say some prayers for you and David!


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I am so sorry to hear David is feeling poorly. I hope the Iressa will do it's thing and stop the cancer from growing. There are a lot of new things coming out right now and if the Iressa isn't the ticket find something else. Make the doctors work for you.

All the best to you Nancy, I know it's hard. :cry:


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Thanks everyone. I just brought David home from hospital and he is so depressed! I am getting ready to go pick up his antidepressants and another antibiotic. The good news is that they did another cat scan and the cancer is NOT in the brain.

But the tumor has grown in the lung. The onco thinks that the tumor blocking the broncial tube has created blood building up in the lung or it is pnemonia in the lung??? Not sure exactly what that means, or if they are going to do anything about it. I wasn't there to talk to the doctor today. I will call tomorrow and get the low down.

David and I talked tonight and I told him that if the onco doesn't have a plan of action that is acceptable to him, that we will call and make the trip to M D Anderson in Houston for another opinion, but with the understanding that he needs to not give up HOPE yet. I needed for him to be strong and willing to fight this darn thing. I am not ready to give up on him and this fight.

We will see if the Iressa is really helping or not and go from there.

Thanks again everyone.

Nancy W.

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I am so sorry that Dave is feeling down. It is so hard to feel positive, especially when physically you aren't feeling well. Keith always says that he only feels bad when he feels bad. funny.

Dehydration and under nourishment definitely cause exhaustion, as well as depression causes exhaustion. It is easier at times like that to feel like it is hopeless, but hope is not lost.

There is still so much that can be done. Iressa works wonders for some, and for other, not. But Iressa is not the last defense. Ask your doctor about Gleevac, or other trials out there. I know that DaveG is on a new trial after trying Iressa, at the UW Madison Cancer Center in Madison WI. THere is a new drug I saw on the news that is going to be approved by the FDA in Jan. for hard to treat cancers with little response to chemo.

There is still treatment options out there, you just need to find a doctor with a fighting spirit willing to search and work hard to find the right thing for you. IF your doctor doesn't have a plan, find one who does.

Our last doctor gave up on all hope for Keith. So did we, until we found another doctor who said he was willing to find something for us, and was willing to lie awake at night thinking until he could find a cure for Keith. Hold onto hope. There is always room for hope until we all draw our last breaths.

I will be praying for you and Dave,

God Bless,


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Can't top what Carleen said. I hope Dave starts to perk up, and you as well. This da^^ disease is a test of endurance, I swear.

Today, here, now, you have each other. That is precious and miraculous in and of itself. Count your small blessings, for they are glorious.

I'll keep you and Dave in my prayers.



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I'm so sorry you are going through all this. Being a caregiver to someone with cancer is so difficult. You really need to take care of yourself right now and anti-depressants might not be a bad idea (they've helped for me!).

Also, I agree with Carleen's post and would like to suggest trying a different dr. I know things turned around for my mom when she switched dr.'s - they shouldn't be blase about this. This is his life and a good dr. can make all the difference in the world. Also, there are many different drugs out there, it sounds like maybe Iressa isn't one that is working. That doesn't mean something else won't though! Bets of luck to you both.

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Ahh Nance;

So very sorry for you and Dave. :( Know you have many pulling and praying for the two of you. I like your idea of going to MD Anderson. Just keep fighten the beast. :x

I agree with Carleen and love what norme says. You three are much alike, real troopers. I like keep it simple by puttin one foot in front of the other, watch the expectations and leave the results up to God!! Know your not alone and you'll be in my prayers

God bless and hang in there

Bobmc- NSCLC-stageIIB- left pneumonectomy- 5/2/01

" absolutely insist on enjoying life today!"

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David seen the onco today and the onco begged him not to go to MD Anderson for the mear fact that they would do more chemo on him?? I hate it when the onco know what they are looking for when a drug is working, such as with Iressa, if you get a rash that means that the drug is working, well as usual, David didn't get any rash. Just a little acne. But the onco didn;t bother to tell us that up front. I guess we just didn't ask the right questions.

David is feeling a little bit better, still short of breath when going up 5 stairs. He can't seem to get rid of the belches. He is taking Pecid AC/ Complete. Doesn't want to start back up on the Iressa, doesn't think it is helping. Looking for clinical trials for him now. Meanwhile, the tumor grows ever bigger.

I just wish they could just go in there and vacuum out all the tumors and junk that is in his lung. David is eating a little more. :)

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Nancy, go back and read the answers to your other post regarding a 2nd opinion. You have lots of options closer than MD Anderson you need someone a little more agrressive.

Regarding the Iressa rash, the acne David has IS the "rash". I don't know why they call it a rash, it's nothing like a rash. It's acne like with sores. I guess rash sounds better than "nasty looking sores". So if that's the criteria you're using, he's got the rash.

Hope all goes well. Thinking of you. Please PM me if you need anything.


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Nancy, just wanted to let you know that you and David are in my thoughts. I really can't add to the wonderful advice our friends have mentioned above. Second opinion!!!!!!!!!!!! You need someone that will be proactive, you would be amazed at how much the right doctors can affect the patient, its like it gives them a goal and refuels them for the fight...I have seen it with my father, and it is so intrigal to have the faith that they will go the distance for you! Please take care and let us know how things are going. Tell David that we love him, and we're here for both of you. Deb

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