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Happy Birthday Lilyjohn!!!


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Many thanks to all of you. I had a great day yesterday. Not sure if I told you that I am spending a few weeks with my family in Louisiana. During the week I am with my daughter in law and great grandbabies. Yesterday she took me out to lunch for my birthday. It is just amazing watching these two babies they grow so fast :!:

Saturday night I went to the tableau (a lot of pomp and circumstance) for the Krewe of Hurcules. My son is a duke again this year. That was really something to see. Friday night his Krewe will parade and kick of the many parades that will take place in the next two weeks cumulating with Mardi Gras. It is all a lot of fun and quite tiring too. I look forward to it but know I will be glad when it is all over.

I spend the weekends with my other two kids so I get to visit with them and all of my grand kids.

Anyway thanks again. I really appreciate the love and friendship that is always here. Lillian

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