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H1N1...should I get it...


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Hi Everyone...

I'm sure this subject has came up before but I haven't been on for a while and probably missed it...

My hb had his doctor visit today and our doc asked him if he wanted the H1N1 shot cause he had it and my hb said 'NO"...Then the doc said...well that's your choice...but your wife (meaning me) should get it on account of the LC that I had... stage 1A....I really hadn't taught to much about it...but now I'm wondering if I should get it or not....I HATE flu shots....scared of them cause I used to get sick from it...and hadn't taken it in years...until the beast showed up and I had to take it....and that was the year I had the flu and pneumonia at the same time...a really really bad time...so much for the flu shot...Now this one I am really scared of....don't think they know too much about it....So what cha think guys...yeah or nay...

love to all and hope all is doing well


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its not my place to say yea or nay, but something to keep in mind is that with LC you do have a compromised immune system. Just my .02 cents on the subject!!!

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I asked my Oncologist that question on Tuesday. In my case he recommended it because he said that I am NED now. It may be different for different circumstances. I also had an appointment with my GP later in the day and asked her the same question. She also recommended it.

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Hey Pam!

I'm going through the same thing - not sure whether to get it or not. I would like to think it can't hurt but still not sure if I need to.

I know I'm not a help, but wanted to let you know that you are not alone (as always) in your indecision.


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Hey BAC sister - I talked to my thoracic surgeon and he said I should get it as this is a flu that really affects the lungs. I got mine on Friday and aside from a sore arm and feeling a little fatigued for a day or two, it went fine. Mind you, I never had any problems with any previous shots either like you experienced, but if it helps any the virus is dead (at least here in Canada-maybe not there though?!?) so you shouldn't get sick from it. Like I said though, perhaps the vaccines are different there than in Canada.

This is really a personal choice for so many...I know a lot of people in the medical field here and just went on their perspective. If you trust your family doc go with that. Good luck with whatever decision you make.

Take care Pam,



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Hi Pam!

I get a flu shot every year, and this year I was offered the H1N1 and took it. It is a dead virus. And the flu does affect lungs, so I figured anything I can do to protect my lungs is protecting my health.

I don't know about your area, but the H1N1 is in short supply around here. My husband is trying to get one, and he's without any high risk health conditions, so he's been unsuccessful so far.


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I haven't been able to get the H1N1 and my doctor canceled my appointment for the regular flu since they were saving it for "high risk" patients - which I was until I switched to this doctor! I think it's time for another change....

I guess I should be trying harder to get in and get stuck. No need to get sick and spend time rolling around miserable in bed...or worse.

If it were available to me, I'd be in line, grudgingly, I hate needles.

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Hey Pam-

I am struggling with the decision, too, since this is so new and was manufactured so quickly. My onc at the Cleveland Clinic HAS recommended I get one when its available for patients. The one he stressed that if I decide to get it elsewhere - DO NOT GET THE NASAL SPRAY!!! That one is a live virus!!!

So I probably will get one and have to talk to Nicks doc if he should get one or not. Both of us always get the seasonal flu shot - Nick does not want the H1N1 shot but when he was younger, he had that viral induced asthma. Hasn't had an attack in years but I still worry.

I wish this decision was easier for all of us.


Patti B.

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I was staged 1B (only because of size of tumor) in May of this year and had 3 months of chemo. I finished chemo at the end of August. My oncologist recommended I get both flu shots and a pneumonia shot. I had not had a flu shot in 20 years because the one time I took one it made me sick. About 3 weeks ago I took the regular flu shot and the pneumonia shot on the same day. Neither one bothered me at all. Today I took the H1N1 shot. I'll have to let you know later if it makes me sick. With most of my left lung missing I just don't want to take any chances on getting the flu or pneumonia.


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and to make things worse..........theres an article on the internet about a 26 year old girl who got the H1N1 shot and now can only walk backwards or sideways!!! It did something to her neurologically!!!!!

Makes these decision either harder, doesn't it!!!!

Hugs - Patti B.

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OH Randy...how awful...that poor girl....but that was from the regular flu shot...so you see it could happen with any of the vaccine's...but very very rare....I have to think that something else was going on in her body and the shot triggered it...

Never the less....to all my friends here...Thank you for your reply's...you have made up my mind...going to go tomorrow and get one before it runs out....God is in control and I will trust HIM to make it right...especially that this flu affects the lungs....that's all we need right....grrrrr

thanks again ladies and gents...

Love you all


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