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Monday's Air


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Morning All! Not happy to hear the garbage trucks around six or so since I didn't go to bed until midnight. I drank a cup of coffee around four so I would be "up" to go to an Investment Club meeting last night. It's made up mixed aged people but the founders are old--older than we are Eric and they meet at 7 pm lol!

Anybody know anything about those big combo battery backups and surge protectors. Mine started letting off a constant whine--not the on and off alarm for interrupted electrical service. I didn't want to face it in the am so while I couldn't sleep I disconnected all the stuff (6 or more I guess) from it so everything should work this morning. Now what do I do with it. Must have had directions at some time.

I've been thinking I've lived here 24 years and am not immersed in KW facts or history--just bits and pieces of old lore. I'll have to get busy checking.

Didn't get to check on posts not viewed all day when I came on for a chuckle on the Air last night. Hope I didn't miss anything important or anyone new. Have a great day everyone.

Judy in KW

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Mornin' All,

We got lots of rain and storms during the night but this morning the sun is shining brightly and everything is a beautiful shade of green.

Today I'm off to have lunch with an old friend I haven't seen in years. She found me on Facebook. We're eating at a Thai restaurant. Should be fun.

Judy, I know nothing about battery back-ups. Bill was my computer Guru and I sure do miss him knowing everything I didn't know about computers. Good luck figuring it out.

I know you're getting ready to head North tomorrow. Look forward to having coffee with you on Wednesday or Thursday. Feel free to call me when you have time.

Hope everyone has a great day.

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Good morning, everyone!

It was 50 degrees here as I rode to work. It's supposed to be mostly sunny and get up to 78 degrees this afternoon.

I went fishing on Saturday, and on Sunday, Rose and I went over to Benbrook Lake and rode our bikes in the low traffic park there. Other than a few blocks in the neighborhood, it was Rose's first ride on the bike in quite a while. I ended up riding 26 miles.

Tonight is support group night. Have a great day, all!

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Good morning all it was a beautiful weekend here in Washington. Almost 70 degrees and it was mostly sunny. Well now it is Monday and back to work. Well ahve to get busy but here is my interesting fact for the day...or maybe it is not interesting any how it is a fact lol

The Portland Rose Festival : each year for about a month (mostly in the first week of June), the city celebrates its annual Rose Festival, including two big parades (Starlight Parade Saturday night, Grand Floral Parade following Saturday morning), the crowning of the Rose Festival Queen, festivities at Waterfront Village (at Tom McCall Waterfront Park, carnival ride-type stuff), dragon boat races on the Willamette River, etc. Several big ships, largely from the US Coast Guard and Navy, come into port and tie up at Waterfront Park, where tours are usually available

Hope everyone has a great day!

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Sounds great Heidi. Are there floats in the parade that are decorated with roses? I know they have one like that in CA. As a real flower and parade lover, I've always wanted to see one.

Have a good day.

Judy in KW

P.S. My memory is always good especially when I rattled like I am today but are we still waiting for Judy's last dr apptmt or did I miss an update?

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Judy, on TV last night there was a feature about a group in KW who made a huge Key Lime pie for some event, used a blowtorch to brown the topping, etc. I looked for you but didn't see you. Can Key West be such a big place that you don't participate in every activity held there? :shock:


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My husband and I lived in Pasadena CA where they had the annual Rose Bowl Parade every year. It was beautiful.....we would go and look and all of them again the next day while on display. The smell of roses was incredible too! Our home was only two blocks from the parade so we could walk over there and never had to worry about a parking spot. Only thing I didn't like was the way people would leave trash all over Colorado Blvd when they left ;(

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Good Evening Everyone,

Just back from work,weather,cloudy,dry and warm-same as yesterday.Been at a distillary in Glasgow to-day with a small team of colleagues providing retraining and educational information to the workforce there who are being made redundant following the owners (Diageos)decision to relocate the plant to another site in Leven.200 years of Whisky(Jonny Walker) manufacturing history on this site now going to be demolished.They are redeploying some of the workforce,but a lot of the workforce dont want to move and are looking for alternative employment.Kilmarnock is being worst hit where 700 employees are losing their jobs despite a long campaign by the local and national politicians to try to get a stay of execution,to no avail well I suppose this is progress in having a new factory to move to that can have all its facilities on one site,but Kilmarnock is a small town and this company was its major employer,hope the politicians can give them a helping hand in bringing new investment to the town.

Calintay-is your story interesting?of course it is,and you have never been to the Rose Festival?well Iam amazed it would be my highlight of the year to witness all the fun,with a tour on a warship as a side salad,bring it on.I have a Italian friend Cesare who I play golf with,well he was born and raised in Rome and I was astonished when he told me he hasnt been inside the Colliseum,as he said he passed it every day of his life and never gave it a thought of visiting it.I then got to thinking,I used to live only about two miles from Glasgow Cathedral, and just across the street the oldest house in Glasgow circa 1174 AD open as a museum just full of domestic artefacts throughout Scotlands history.Well it was only a couple of years ago I visited both of them.

Calintay your Rose Festival sounds like a super photo oppertunity how about taking some photos when you go,and post some on site,I am sure everyone here would appreciate it.

Enjoy the rest of your day everyone.

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Ned, it seems all I do is lament the things I miss down here. During the season there is something going on ALL the time. I only have so much energy and tend to spend most of it with small groups of people instead of going to larger crowded events. My husband is not big on crowds at all. I did see a picture of that pie in the paper. Does that count lol.

Eric, that is a sad story of the plant closing but it reflects what is going on in America way too frequently these days. It actually has been going on in some of our northeastern small towns and cities for much longer than what we all think of as the economic downturn. It's very sad.

Judy in KW

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Hey folks

Nice clear sunny day in the knife.

Heidi/Eric I can certainly relate to not taking advatage of the things in our own backyard. We get tourist from all over the world here to see the Aurora Borealis in the winter including 20,000 from Japan alone. But yet I don't even look up at the sky anymore.

Ned if you keep up with all of Judy's exploits I can understand how she may have missed an event. I think she has more energy than most 20 year olds !

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About an hour north of home, the Skagit Valley Tulip Festival is just about coming to a close. We took my Dad up last year to see the immense fields in bloom. Here's facebook fan photos from this year:


These will make you smile. Flowers for all.

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