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Tuesday's Air


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Morning All! Thought I'd figured out why my posts keep disappearing. Unplugged my mouse and still lost it a few minutes ago. Anyway, here we go again....

It's overcast in FL just south of Orlando on I95. Stan could not get past Port St Lucie without stopping the night so we could see his "little guy" for a few hours. It was funny. Stan kept making all kinds of excuses why it was a good time to stop even tho we'd only been on the road about six yrs. Dominick is his buddy!

There was someone on several sites seeling boots and shoes last night. I informed the moderator and sent an email asking if they really thought someone with lung cancer or someone taking care of a loved one with lung cancer would really buy shoes from them after they'd violated the intent of our site. It just really fries me when people do that.

Well, on the road again da da da da on the road again....Have a great day everyone.

Judy in KW

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Good morning Judy. I remember those days on the road with my husband. I loved to go places and so did he. It was always the best times of our marriage. Anyway often I would feel both the excitement and the dread at the same time. Just never knew what the weather would bring or where we would be spending the night.

We spent one night in Brunswick Georgia in the parking lot of a garage. Denis knew the problem with the truck was a broken transmission hose because it had broken on the road the day before and he had to repair it. Then out in the middle of nowhere South Carolina in the middle of a rainstorm it broke again and we were towed to Brunswick. Thank God the man who owned the garage told Denis it was alright if he did our own repairs in his lot. He had told us it would be several days before he could get to us. In just an hour the next morning we were on our way. Good thing too because I had spent the night in a real fright because we knew there was a huricane on the way up the East Coast and there we were stranded.

That was quite a trip. Ended up stranded in Mobile for several days and having the transmission changed. All of that led to the purchase of a new truck. As I said exciting yet always just a little nerve wracking starting out on a trip. Hope your's is fun and relaxing with no problems.

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Good morning, everyone!

It was 76 degrees as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is 100.

Eric, we have so many pecan trees here that the pecan tree is the official state tree of Texas. And native Texas pecans are among the best tasting pecans around. Last winter, for the first time since I was very young, I spent time gathering pecans. The upper end of Lake Whitney ended up being my best winter fishing spot, and the park where I launch my boat to fish there has a grove of very large and old pecan trees. It's an unusual park in that it is open for overnight camping and boat launching, but doesn't allow entry for any other day use activities. So, it doesn't attract many visitors, and the squirrels have all those pecans to themselves.

I started spending half an hour or so, after I'd loaded the boat at the end of my fishing day, gathering pecans. I brought home so many pecans, they're going to last the entire year, in spite of how often Rose uses them in her cooking. I'm thinking I'm going to do that every winter from now on.

Have a great day, all!

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It's warm and overcast here. Pecans, Texas Pecans, there are no other. I remember my sister and I used to pick brown grocery bags full of pecans up and take them up the street about two blocks to the processing plant and sell them. Made ourselves a small fortune we did, at about 30 cents a pound if I remember correctly. We always had money for soda when we spent every summer day down at the pool. . .the good memories.

Good thing I drove my car to work today - oh wait I do that every day I'm such a slacker - we are having those "afternoon storms" that drop a ton of water in a few minutes and off they go.

Hope everyone has a great - sunny - summer day.


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Wow Bud I wouldn't mind having some of those Pecans. We had a tree in our yard in Louisiana and every year I used them in my candies and other holiday baking. I spent many hours picking them out. My husband would use a rocket cracker to crack them then I would clean them and save them for my baking and candy. Unfortunately sense I left there that tree fell victim to huricane Gustave as so many had to Andrew years before.

We have walnuts here and I do love them. I grew up with them all around so it is not too bad but they do miss that slight sweetness that a pecan gives.

Again I don't envy you that heat and humidity. 106 here yesterday but I know it doesn't come close to heat with all the humidity.

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Hi All,

Well I'm in a sour mood. A decision was made at volunteer work that I feel is totally wrong for our church, and if I make a fuss, I'm going to be seen as a trouble maker. Still may make a fuss. What they want to do is wrong, and they need to get another perspective on this. Rules! The reason I stopped going to church for years was the legalism that is rampant in so many churches. I didn't think our church was that way until today and I'm not very happy about it.

To add to the sour mood is that last week they said maybe I'd have a CT scan, and then yesterday they called and said to fast over night as I'd be having my scan first thing this morning. That did not make for a very good sleep last night. Usually it takes a week or two to get a scan scheduled, and they scheduled me overnight. Yikes.

So I've been doing my best to not think about it. Overthinking this will not accomplish anything that is positive. Worrying accomplishes nothing. So I'm just doing my day and avoiding the "whatif" syndrome.

Then I asked my husband to attend an important meeting today that we are on the same committee for, since they scheduled this scan, I couldn't make the meeting. He promised he'd go and then he shot me an email AFTER the meeting telling me he decided to not go. :|

Hope everyone is having a better day.

Judy in MI

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Judy in MI,

Please dont worry yourself to hard. We always worry (kind of hard not to) and it usually turns out ok. I will pray for good news from your CT scan. I will probalby be up tonight worring for you, so why don't you sleep! Sounds like you have not had a good day. I had a crappy day today also. I am hoping for a better day tomorrow.

Tomorrow will be better :)

Keep us informed.


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Gee, I hesitate to post this after reading those lousy day reports, but I will anyway hoping some of this will rub off...

Just got back from my 17th Navelbine infusion, with scan report in hand. A bit more tumor shrinkage in the right lung, left lung stable, abdomen and pelvic area still "unremarkable." Adding to that the fact that Navelbine has turned out to be more tolerable than any treatment I've had to date, I figure I'll be driving a while longer and can feel justified in going out shopping for some new wheels! :D


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That's great news, NED. I had started to worry since we didn't hear anything. What kind of car are you thinking about?

Sorry so many of you had bad days. Mine was okay. We spent a long weekend in Chicago with one of our sons. Had a great time. Sorry to be back home, as Con starts teaching a course again on Monday night. My aunt used to live in Green Valley, AZ and she always thought their pecans were the best.

Hope today was better for some of you than yesterday.


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After reading your report I should have nothing to complain about. I am glad to hear you had some shrinkage in your right lung and left is stable.

Shopping for new wheels sounds like fun. I just got back from the library and I picked up a book called "Positivity" by Barbara Fredrickson, PH.D. It is a book on research on how to embrace hidden strength of positive emotions, how to overcome negativity and thrive. Sounds like a book for me......

Have a good night. Not sure what time it is there :)


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Hooray for Ned!

I had a good day - made it to the second half of water exercise class and then swam laps. Back at home, a bit too much paperwork, but the breaks gave me time to make a nice dinner of oven tandoori chicken, Indian spiced sauteed zucchini, and basmati rice. A handful of local blueberries for dessert. It has cooled off a bit and some of my Tarceva side effects are fading a bit.

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Wow, good news Ned, hugs Judys, Libby, Lily John, Heck i'd like to hug everyone. I been feeling really crappy again the last few days. I just don't know what's going on. I see my oncologist tomorrow for the results of my PET/CT, I'm pretty confident it will be clear I just think all of this damn inflammation is why I can't breathe.

I just hope for the best for all of us.


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