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Oh happy day


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Just wanted to say hi, I haven't been on here for months. I found out last month than I am going to be a grandmother in March 2011. That has really given me more purpose to live than ever before.

At my treatment on Monday the 11th, the doctor reported that my chest x-ray was all clear. no evidence of disease. Do I dare say NED? He says I am off the charts. I believe I am making my own chart!

I am continuing on Alimta every 3 weeks. I am still working everyday with the support of understanding management, and riding my bike alot during my spare time.

Sorry to be such a lurker, I will try to do better.

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Hi SisterSue2,

Congratulations,you must be so looking forward to being a grannie next March,I'd love to be in your position, although being male I think Grandfather is more appropriate.You've had your share of the bad times,god bless, they are now behind you so enjoy the prospect of becoming a grandparent.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Never feel quilty about not getting on here enough. If so. many of us would be drowing in our own boats. Present company included. But I do check in from time to time to answer some posts.

I see you were diagnoised as stage IV... well A BIG CONGRATS ON NED!!! You have no idea how much that helps so many on here. There is always hope, you certainly have proved that.

Take care and be good to yourself

Maryanne :wink:

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