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Tuesday's Air


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Morning All! Got up at 5-something and saw Stan off. He'll go to So Jersey today to work on the torches. Poor guy but he really doesn't mind. How do you think we can afford to travel in this home on wheels lol.

There are just no RV parks or even campgrounds near here so Stan knows some guys from way back when who own a trailer park. They accommodate us nicely and we'll even get basic cable hook-up on Saturday. I like it because it's quiet with lots of trees but close to things. It was chilly when I got up but it's beautiful out. The view outside my window is probably what most of you Notherners see. No palm trees lol.

Still waiting to see if anyone but Lily bites on the "bad drivers" subject. I thought everyone talked about bad drivers in adjoining towns or states. Maybe not.

I'm taking down time today but plan on it being a good one. Hope you all have a great day.

Judy in Eastampton NJ

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Good morning Judy,

The AIR has been slow lately, so I hope it picks back up! Talk about drivers! The drivers in Detroit are very good drivers, but they have to be because they drive 100 miles an hour, and even the cops are passing them faster and not pulling them over. They have to drive well because when you go that fast, and someone pulls something wrong, your reflexes have to extremely quick to avoid death.

Indiana drivers always have their blinkers on. Seriously. I used to commute to Chicago, and it was true. They just turn them on and never turn them off.

Chicago drivers are absolutely nuts. They have the toll booths. You drive up to them 100 MPH, screech to a halt, throw your money in the kitty, and then slam on the gas and go as fast as you can to the next toll booth, slam on the breaks....well you get it.

Now they used to tease us Grand Rapids drivers of being very slow. But now that our highways are bigger and better, they raised the speed limit to 70 and it's better. But we are conservative. Rarely do you see anyone going any higher than 80. We all know if we are under 80, the cops won't pull us over.


Anyway, going to a picnic with my old life group girls, we're going to plan our study for this Fall. It will be nice to see all of them!

Have a good day.

Judy in MI

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Good morning both Judys. I have been kind of slow motion for a few days. That headache really gets me down. I guess I will have to give in soon and get a new partial made for my bottom dentures. These are old and last year I broke some of the teeth off. Not sure if that is why or just because they are worn but TMJ has really been kicking in a lot lately. You just wouldn't believe all of the problems something that sounds so simple can cause. I am just getting caught up a little and hate to have to put out that kind of money again so soon. Social Security doesn't allow for many extras and they don't pay for dental. Of coarse dental insurance will say that tmj is a medical problem and medical will say it is a dental problem. So no one pays but me. The last time that I had to have a lot of work because of that it was $10,000. Needless to say that is not going to happen again. So I will just get a new partial and hope it does the trick.

In the mean time I have to start saving for my trip to spend the holidays with my family. That is never cheap. I want to be there by December 10th for my grandson's graduation from college and stay until my granddaughter has her baby in late January. I love having that time with them but boy do I miss my own home and my own things and routine.

I am hoping to take a short trip down to the Bay Area the end of September. A bunch of people that I went to school with are having a picnic and I am invited. I could visit with my brother and other family for a couple of days and also spend some time with my best friend from high school that I just found after nearly 50 years. Will just have to see what happens with my dental work if I get it done.

Judy I have been watching that storm. Looks like your home town is going to get it for sure then it just may come up where you are. Just be aware and be safe my friend.

Well I need a shower and a short walk then I think I will run to the farmers market and see if they have any fresh prunes. We had a discussion about them on our school group site and got me to thinking about them. Just one thing for all of you who are not from California. They are prunes not prune plums!

One of my neighbors got a lasso golf game at a yard sale and we played it last night. It was a lot of fun. I couldn't play too long because my back and head were both telling me to quit but it was fun while it lasted. You get a chance to play go for it. It is really a lot of fun.

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Hi you guys, OK, Judy, the drivers? I'm sure being from Jersey, You've come out the other end of the Lincoln tunnel a few times. NYC, nuff said. Besides that, D.C. beltway at rush hour. Pa. drivers are great by comparison. here's a little poem by Emily Dickinson to brighten your day.

Hope is the thing with feathers.

that perches in the soul.

and sings the tune without the words

and never stops at all.....

have a good and safe day everybody. Oh, And don't any men look at this site? Give me some company guys. Alan

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Good morning, everyone!

It was 78 degrees as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is 107.

MI Judy, if Indiana drivers have their turn signals on all the time, Texas drivers are just the opposite. They never signal anything.

Back to work for me. Have a great day, all!

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Hello All,

I've been driving in the Milwaukee and surrounding areas the last few weeks and I have very few complaints, so I'll just say Milwaukee drivers are pretty good. My trip up her from Florida to Wisconsin was overall good. We stayed on the Interstate most of the way and the only holdup was in the Chicago area. The weather was so gorgeous that day we didn't even pay attention to the gridlock. Overall life is good and driving is great. Oh, did I say I love to drive.

Hope you all have a great day.

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Hey everyone, good to see so many onboard today. I'll keep this short because AT&T blocked me from the net since early this morning. Think they would tell you somehow instead of just saying the internet is busy. I had to call to find out and have it unblocked. They are charging me big time now that I'm over my limit. Figured out it is Stan and I watching TV since we've had no cable!!!

Lily I just heard the storm is going to miss Key West except for rain and some wind. Love the feedback on the drivers. Judy, I think some of the Detroit drivers migrated to NJ. Alan, I think PA (remember I lived there 12 yrs lol) get a bad rap because of Philly drivers. And Bud, Stan would say KW drivers are like Texas drivers and never signal. Oh and Alan, I am a bird lover and a cancer survivor so I LOVE your poem.

Have a great day everyone. Have to save some MBs to harvest my crops.

Judy in KW

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Felt the 5.8 earthquake up here outside of Phila. The earthquake was centered near Richmond VA. I am sure that the people in NY and at the Pentagon were pretty shook up.

Judy MI, I ache for you. How can some men be so selfish? Wish I could come out there and give him a good bop in the head.

Alan, where do you live? Seems like you are pretty close to me.

Was down my son's house on Long Beach Island NJ this weekend. My grandson who has his learners permit drove my car a couple of times. I survived, but am now 12 years older.

My dear friend that has been surviving NSCLC with BAC features for over 3 years is not doing well. She has totally removed herself from the world. Will not let any of her friends see her. Very sad, very sad.

The weather here is just beautiful, low 70's and no humidity. I played golf yesterday and thanked God on every hole for the nice weather (not for my score, that's for sure). But today, I am working, so I can afford golf.

Well, gotta go back to work. Only good news please.

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Most of my friends in Virginia area have checked in via facebook! Annette is ok in Richmond and Sue and Bonnie and family are ok in Norfolk! that was the main center area for this one! my mom felt it in NC near my house but nothing on my side of town!

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Ginny, I heard about the earthquake! So rare for the East coast! Sounds like everyone fared it quite well other than getting shook up. The news reports said it was felt here in W. Michigan too. I didn't. I was sitting in a beautiful park with a bunch of girlfriends, and we were so busy gabbing that I doubt anything could have phased us!

Alan, I am not from New Jersey, but I've been there many, many times because of working for Lucent Technologies. I know exactly what you are talking about!

In the storm the other day, we lost two trees! One was a flowering pear tree, which is an ornamental beautiful tree. It got hit by lightning, and split in half! Don't know if we can save her. I loved this beautiful tree, so I stopped at the nursery to get some tips to try to save her. The other one is an old half dead willow that R has been bugging me to let him cut down. Well, now that it is half down on our dock, I guess he can cut the rest down. LOL

Judy in MI

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Hi again you guys, Ginny, Just outside of HBG. I come to Phila. for treatment. I'm on 3 month surveilance., next time coming up real soon. (Sept 7th). Starting to get itchy if you know what I mean. (scanxiety, I think someone called it).

Back to drivers, We have a stretch of I-83 here that has more deaths per mile than any in the country. It can be a scary trip outa here sometimes. In the rain, you can barely make out the lines. I-95 almost anywhere from Boston to Richmond gets a little frantic too. Can you tell I'm a country boy?

Hey Annette, tell us all about the earthquake. It was in your backyard, right? I felt nothing here, I was driving when it happened but Sue called and said she heard and felt the ground roll a little. Big deal on the east coast. You west coasters are probably laughing at us right now.

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Thought I would check in really quick since I have been so busy at work (and taking work home).

Oh - and my administrative assistant's mom is in West Virginia and she felt it too.

Thanks to RandyW for calling and checking on me. There were a few freak out minutes here since it was pretty bad (or so it seemed). My phone was out and I was worried about my mom - finally got through and work her up - she thought it was the cat knocking at her bedroom door...(LOL) Then I got a text from my daughter - they felt it to. They had to give my four year old grandson a little person geology lesson since he thought he caused it by jumping on the couch. (LOL)

I am anxious to get home and see if my cat and assorted breakables are still breakable or broken. Even though my mom lives right across from me I refuse to give her a key because I never wanted my nephew to have access to my stuff without me home. Now I wish she could go check on the cat.

Judy - Drivers - When I lived in El Cajon, California I found a job in San Diego. The first morning I drove into the City I had to sit in my car for a good long while calming down. I swear it was the first time I had experienced bumper to bumper rush hour traffic at 75 + mph. Shiver the memories...

Anyway - I better hit the road to beat those strange drivers. You know how everyone drives worse when snow is in the forecast - it will be interesting to see how they drive when "aftershocks" are in the forecast. (LOL).

If anyone has magical powers could you blink and get everything I need done by Friday done - Is it Friday yet?


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Glad to hear everyone fared well during the earthquake today. What a strange thing to hear on the news. It seems we've been glued to the radio/televisions for the past couple of days, waiting for Irene to make up her mind. It's been raining cats and dogs here this afternoon, but I don't think today's rain has any real connection to Irene. It's a wee bit too early for any of this to be from "feeder bands." I am supposed to fly out of Orlando on Friday morning for my week in Minneapolis for National Auxiliary Convention and I'm very worried that flights will be grounded. Southwest has already told us that we can catch a later flight, at no extra charge, if the flight is cancelled due to the weather conditions. I guess at this time of year, this is just a part of Florida life. KW Judy...the info I just looked at shows Irene moving right over KW. Maybe that's an older update...not sure. Anyway, saying prayers we're all safe from the ill effects of hurricanes, earthquakes, etc.

Now...drivers...I live in Florida...no need to say anymore. I feel it's a real challenge every time I get on the roads here. Defensive driving is what it's all about here. Believe me...it's not all about the retirees, as some would have you think. Yes, they can be a part of the problem but no more so than the teens and tweens that use the streets for drag racing...while texting on their cell phones. I just try to stay in my lane and watch what's happening all around.

So...hope everyone has a nice evening. I'm really looking forward to Friday this week, weather allowing!!!

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O.k., I'm in the motor coach when one side starts shaking like crazy. I just thought what the h#ll! It didn't last long and I didn't know it was an earthquake until about an hour later when a friend called and told me lol. Hey in a trailer park with no TV except on the net and that's a day old.

Annette, so glad you're o.k. but can't believe the way they are holding your nose to the grindstone. Friday's just a bit away. Your driver thing reminded me of the first time I drove in CA. My son was 6 yrs old and from the back seat I hear, Mom let's go back to the motel. And Ann, I also don't think that's us old people in those big pick-up trucks. Don't think they are all teens either. I agree, FL drivers are bad. Stan complains about Miami til he gets to Orlando.

Sorry it took an earthquake but glad to see so many of you here today.

Judy in Eastampton NJ

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