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Pray for scar tissue please....


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Sandy, wishing you relief from the pins and needles you're currently on...and for it all to be over nothing.

Cheryl, I had a mammogram this year even with my bi-monthly CTs. My doctor scheduled it, and she's well aware of all the other scans because I make sure she is sent a copy. Discuss it with your primary care physician (the one that does your yearly chassis lube, etc.) and I'm pretty sure you'll be heading out to Slam-o-gram country. Then again, maybe you'll be able to wait a while since your surgery was pretty recent and goodness knows, all them thar parts are TENDER!

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Sandy, I am so sorry that I didn't see your post until just now...but am praying REAL HARD for scar tissue (did you have any deoderant or anything on when you go the test? I am scheduled for a baseline mammography in two weeks (Just turned 35, so they like you to have one for future comparison), anyway, you probably know that you're not supposed to wear perfume, powder or anything during the mammography, as it will show up. Just thought I'd mention it.

At any rate, please keep us posted (I know, I didn't need to ask). And please know that you're in my thoughts=take care, deb

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Sandy, congrats on the stable scans!!! And add me to the list of those praying for your ultrasound to show all is well.

Tami, my you-know-whats were hurting just reading your post about all those mammogram views you had that day -- the regular ones are hard enough! I've also had them look at mammograms and say, "whoops, we need another one," but I've always been in that majority of folks for whom it turns out to be nothing. I hope you're one of those, and that you don't have to wait long to hear it!

And Karma1976, I am totally mesmerized by that dancing Spiderman. That's good distraction material, right there.


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