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Struggling for answers for years.


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Hello. I am looking for anyone who went through a tough time getting diagnosed with LC and wanted to know if my symptoms sound like something you may have went through ...


about 5 years ago I came down with a bad cough and shortness of breath, that has never went away. No amount of meds or doc visits resolved it ... I had 2 ct scans and xrays of my chest, and about a year an a half ago I had a bronchoscope done aswell, with all negative ... 


just about 3 months ago I started getting bad pains in my my lungs when I take a deep breath or even just moving the wrong way in my chest, as well as a radiating pain in my back shoulder blade ... I have not gone back to the doctor as I have been swamped but I’m very concerned this time as the pain is every day... 


any answers and opinions would be much appreciated. Thank you 

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I never had pain in my lungs but your description of that and the radiating shoulder pain, if I had it, would cause me to make a repeated visit to the doctor.

Stay the course. 


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I’m with Tom.  I would definitely go back to the Doctor.  You said everything was negative.  What if anything did they say was causing all the pain and the cough? 


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Absolutely, please MAKE TIME for a doctor visit.  Nothing is more important than your health, and postponing never makes things better.  


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Worried 18, I have COPD and emphysema, which can cause a pain the your chest that is difficult to explain, I have had it off and on for about a year now! I take a Pepcid and that sometimes seems to make it better! Have they told you that you have either COPD or emphysema?

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