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Surgery Cancelled


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Hello everybody, I’m back to say that my lung surgery, scheduled for January 28th, got cancelled. During pre-admission testing my EKG came out abnormal and the anesthesiologist would not clear me for surgery. Now I have to wait until February 16th to meet with a cardiologist for a consultation.. I suspect that he will most likely send me for more tests and I’m getting so frustrated. My lung nodule was originally found on a chest X-ray way back in March of last year and here I am, 11 months later, still waiting for the tests to end and my treatment plan to begin.  

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Hi Jersey Rose,

I'm sorry to hear your surgery was cancelled. That sounds really frustrating! I know how you were wanting to get going on your treatment. I hope the cardiologist can give you an all-clear for surgery. Hang in there.

Bridget O

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Well, that's definitely a bummer. Often, when a patient can't have surgery for some reason (pulmonary function or other reasons), the tumor can be treated with Cyberknife (precision radiation). 

Has anyone talked to you about that? Might be worth getting a consult with a radiation oncologist.

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How frustrating. It’s good that they are careful but chances are good that they were just being cautious. The waiting can be excruciating, though. My lobectomy was canceled because of COVID back in March and it took all my energy to wait until they were scheduling “elective” surgeries again❤️

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