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Third line treatment SCLC, CT result tomorrow


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I have written about my mom in previous posts. After completing her third line treatment with carboplatin+etoposide, she was on a "drug holiday" for 2 months and hopefully her CT scans from tomorrow will give her another few months of cheerful gardening and playtime with her grandchildren. 

Please keep your fingers crossed....

Best to all,


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Thank you all for your good wishes, it's nice to not feel alone at frustrating times.

Another 2 months without treatment, disease has not progressed. 

Hope the good news made your day as well as mine.


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Scanziety is real and we all go through it and so do our family members.  Prayers that the scans show good progress.


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That is great news katavrga! I have scan on Tuesday and hope my outcome is as good as your Mom’s.

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Let's hope for the best. 

At the beginning of my Mom's illness, I became obsessed with statistics and case studies. That did not help at all. And then I've read it somewhere on this forum that statistics are for statisticians (God bless their soul) and 3 and a half years later I can conclude the same. It's also hard not to get all caught up with the good news, though. 

Please let me know about your results!

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