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Wait and see


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My wife recently had a mammogram. She was called back for an x-ray because there was something on the mammo image that might be a "nipple shadow". The x-ray was interpreted as showing not a nipple shadow but a 7mm lung nodule. I didn't know that the lungs even appeared on mammograms. Has anyone else heard of this?

In any event, now she has to go for a CT scan. So we talked about nodules and CT scans and I was able to both give info and be reassuring because of my own experience and all I've learned on these forums. Unfortunately, she won't be able to get the CT for at least a couple of weeks because she's about ready to leave on a 2-week business trip. She said it would be easier if she could know for sure what it is sooner than that, so we talked about scanziety and  "waiting is the hardest part".

In any event, if the CT also shows a 7mm nodule, it seems likely that they'll recommend waiting some months to rescan, since it would probably be considered too small to biopsy. 

So we're in "wait and see" mode, probably to be followed by more "wait and see".  Urk!

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I just had a mammogram and they asked me to come back for a diagnostic mammogram. I haven't had it done yet but sent them the images of this month's PET/CT scan to see if that would clarify their concern. I need to follow up with them. My oncologist told me if anything of concern comes back to come right in and we'll talk. 

I've had a 6 mm nodule in my RUL for a long time now, and it's just been watched. It wasn't even called out on my last scan. Let's hope your wife's turns out to be this type of thing. 

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My hopes are for a good outcome of the tests.  She is lucky to have you there to provide input, insight, and support.


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