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Tammy Faye Baker has LC


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its 9:18 pm eastern time right now. Tammy Faye Baker is on Larry King announcing she has inoperable Lung Cancer that they believe is a result of colon cancer she had over 8 years ago.

she is saying she found out she had it due to nagging back pain at night. I haven't heard what cell type she is yet but that she will begin chemo in a few weeks so this must be new.

she is starting chemo in april she just said and that if its a reoccurrance of the colon cancer she has a better chance of "controlling" it than if its primary lung cancer but that hasn't been determined yet.

I'd love to find an email address for her and maybe she can get the word out nationally about this site and all of you fighters and get the wave started about LC research and advocacy.

she said she has never smoked either. her vocal cords are already paralized from the cancer around and up her nerves as well.

www.tammyfaye.com if we all write her about us, maybe we can get some real exposure for Lung Cancer.

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I just saw this too.

But I thought she refused chemo for her Colon cancer? That's why I'm surprised she's agreeing to it now. Maybe I don't have the facts right though.

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March 7, 2004

Hello my friends,

Eight years ago I was told I had colon cancer. The day before my birthday I had surgery. It was successful and I celebrated my birthday, March 7th, with my doctors and my husband and friends at Eisenhower Hospital in Palm Springs, CA where we lived at the time.

A few days ago I learned that I once again have cancer. This time my doctors say I have lung cancer. I have three spots on my left lung. My vocal chord has been affected to the point where I have trouble speaking.

At this time I am waiting for the doctors to decide whether to operate or do chemotherapy and radiation to kill the cancer cells.

I have wrestled with the decision to share with you or just not say anything. But, you are my friends and sharing is what friendship is all about. Somehow it helps me to talk with you about it.

I ask for your prayers. The Bible says that "prayer changes things", and I truly believe God's Word.

There is a verse in the Bible that means so much to me and I am standing on God's Word. It’s found in Isaiah 41:10:

Fear thou not; for I am with thee:

be not dismayed; for I am thy God:

I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee;

yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.

I cannot say I am not scared because I am. Cancer is a scary name. But I know a name that is above all other names and that name is Jesus. Jesus is my savior and my friend and I trust Him with me. There is another verse in the Bible that is helping me right now. It says, "In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you".

It’s really hard to give thanks when you are frightened, but I am trying. I think the hardest 7 words I have ever spoken to God are, "not MY will but THINE be done".

I believe in God’s healing power, I believe in miracles, but I also believe that He uses doctors.

I will keep you posted as I find out what I must do next. Knowing you are there and that you care helps me so much.

I have a little frog sitting in front of me that my daughter gave me.

F-R-0-G: Fully Relying On God! Sometimes I pick him up and just give him a little squeeze.

I’m so glad to know that you are just an e-mail away, and that God is just a prayer away.

I love you,

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