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Second scan after treatment Monday, Nov. 20

Sue BB

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For some reason, I am anxious about my upcoming CT scan. More so that the first one three months ago which showed “marked” improvement in my SUV. I’m so praying for more shrinkage, but there’s always that doubt in the back of mind. I just had to get this off my chest so I can enjoy the weekend. I hope anyway. I’ll let you all know what happens. Cause what happens if it comes back so soon after treatment? Thanks for listening.

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We call the pre-scan jitters "Scanziety".  It's perfectly normal and we all have a reason to experience it.  I've been "clean" (NED), for 4 years and in the beginning I was always worried about recurrence.  Thank God, that never happened, so instead I worry about my body making a new cancer.  You see I was diagnosed with colon cancer in 2010 and then lung cancer in 2019. I used to live my life waiting for the "other shoe to fall" but after spending time with my Lungevity Family I've come to realize that I just need to live my life and enjoy the time I have regardless of how long it is, so my days are much better than they used to be.  But...even with my healthier attitude on life and cancer I can still get anxious about my scans.  Just know that you have a whole group of folks here that are hoping, and praying for your scans to be the good news you want them to be.  Please keep us updated.


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On 11/17/2023 at 8:49 AM, LouT said:


We call the pre-scan jitters "Scanziety".  It's perfectly normal and we all have a reason to experience it.  I've been "clean" (NED), for 4 years and in the beginning I was always worried about recurrence.  Thank God, that never happened, so instead I worry about my body making a new cancer.  You see I was diagnosed with colon cancer in 2010 and then lung cancer in 2019. I used to live my life waiting for the "other shoe to fall" but after spending time with my Lungevity Family I've come to realize that I just need to live my life and enjoy the time I have regardless of how long it is, so my days are much better than they used to be.  But...even with my healthier attitude on life and cancer I can still get anxious about my scans.  Just know that you have a whole group of folks here that are hoping, and praying for your scans to be the good news you want them to be.  Please keep us updated.


Well said!

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Well, this week is finally over. Five medical appointments. Bread and popcorn ball orders. Thanksgiving buns and mashed potatoes…. Market on Saturday. Whew. I am leaving for my daughter’s house on Sunday with my granddaughter. I can’t wait to spend some days with their new baby. As far as my scan. “No new or worrisome pulmonary nodules/masses.” is the long story short. There is some cloudiness and ground glass in the right lung. The doc is thinking its scar tissue or side effects of Imfenzi. We are monitoring my oxygen levels and of course I have some eczema on my hands. So I’m trying to keep them lotioned up. It’s not easy when you are baking all day. But thank you all for being here. HAPPY THANKSGIVING, I got more living to do.

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Dang that durvalumab (Imfinzi). My ground glass (courtesy of the durva and radiation) has slowly disappeared. With the watching they do, it hasn't been a worry for anyone, me included.

Enjoy your precious family time!

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