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Happy and Sad


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I wasnt sure which forum I should post this its a happy occasion on a sad note.

My brother is getting married this saturday its his second marriage..The wedding is taking place at a place my dad loved to go. It's a casino/resort in Mt. Pleasant Mi..If dad could have lived there he would, as a matter of fact thats where we spent their 50th anniversary right before dad passed..

My brother has some of my dads ashes and wants to scatter them there..

I guess I am hoping its not overwhelming and I fall off the deep end..Maybe some prayers for strength will help us get through it.. I know everytime I walked down the hallways to see my dad when he was in the hospital I prayed for strength to be strong for him and it helped.. Thanks for being here for me, I really dont know how I would be, if I didnt have my LCSC family..XO

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I can understand what you're saying. The wedding is to be a happy time but it sure will be an emotional time. You will find the strength to get through the event and I am sure that you will even find the joy in it. But I'll be praying for you and sending good thoughts your way.


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cathy, I am with Gail on this one. Your dad will be there with you. My mom recently went to Arizona, my Dad LOVED it there-and Vegas too-he loved both places so much. But there was a mountain in AZ that he really loved Supersticion Mountain, I think it is called. Mom visited their friends that live there and they went to the mountain with some of dads ashes getting this done was a bit of a fiasco :roll::) . (in a tupperware-really small-container...I KNOW my dad LOVED that, knowing how attatched my mom is to her tupperware-and I bet my mom brought the thing home with her to, God forbid she get rid of a piece of tupperware, she is anal about it :lol:) Her friend read a little prayer, and it was sad, but it was comforting, too, she said.

I wanted so badly to be there when this was done, but with my daughter in school and the last minute planning on my moms part, I couldn't be there...but I do intend to go there, to visit the place that my dad loved so much, and I know he will bet here with me, and I will see it as if it is through his eyes, and he mine. And, Cathy, your dad will too. Enjoy your brothers wedding, and talk to your dad, he'll hear you.Take care, Deb

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Gosh Cathy....I know this must be hard for you! It's often to be happy with the rest of the world when our hearts are breaking. I still have Dennis's ashes at home with me. I know he loved the mountains of Colorado and would have loved to make that his final resting place. However, he also loved the river and ocean here in Florida and often mentioned ...jokingly...that I could just bury him at sea. I just can't bring myself to get serious about scattering his askes anywhere. I think I feel as if I'm keeping him with me by keeping the ashes in our home. I'm afraid this is going to be a real problem for me down the road, as I know Dennis would have wanted to be scattered. Good luck with the wedding. Remember that your "family" here will all be praying for you!!!!

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Cathy --

My best wishes for you on this occasion. I'm sure it will be both happy and sad. One good thing about it is that it's perfectly ok and expected to cry at weddings. So for that part of the time, at least, nobody but you will know whether your tears are for joy or grief.

Your brother and any other family or close friends know the situation and will understand.

Try and enjoy the happy part, and when the sadness overtakes, try and accept it, because it's something we all have to get out.

Hugs and best wishes to you.


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I know it will be an emotional day for all but it will be a good one also as it shows the continuation of life. God Bless all on this special day.


Debaroo, Some of my Grandmothers ashes are spread on Superstision Mt also, does this mean we are now related!!!!

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Hey, Mo, it IS a small world!! I had never even heard of that Mt. before. I really want to go there. Have you ever been? I guess our families are of the same mind-was that a special place for your grandmother? Well, I could call you "Cousin Mo" -sort of a Tennissee Ernie Ford/Lucy/Ricky thing :wink: ... Take care Cousin Mo- Cousin Deb

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I hope you managed to have a nice time at your brother's wedding this weekend and that being around your family helped some. How did the spreading of the ashes go? I hope you found the strength that you were asking for and that it all went well for you. Please let us know.

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Thanks Karen,

The wedding was really nice and I had a great time.. I Couldnt bring myself to do the ashes or be there when it was done..My mom and sister did it though... Strange as it was, I didnt feel sad at the wedding. I really thought I would be an emotional wreck, but I wasnt..

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