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Some Good News

Guest sandy

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Guest sandy

Hi Everyone,

I don't post as much as I should, but you are all in my thoughts and prayers. I don't know if any of you remember, but my dad was diagnosed with SCLC and given 2-3 months to live. That was back in Sept/o3. He went through chemo and radiation and in January/04 he was told that the cancer had shrunk so much they had to really look to see anything. He was told he had a very good partial response and just last week after more rounds of tests the doctor told him that it hadn't grown at all and that he was in remission. I don't quite understand that when they said last Jan that he still had the cancer, it just wasn't growing. Very confusing to me. He had limited SCLC so I'm praying that his treatments halted the progression. He is on some kind of drug study too. He doesn't know if he's getting the real drug or not. Last week the doctors told him that he comes in next month and if nothing has changed, he doesn't have to go back for 6 months. That sounds so promising to me. I would think if they had any worry at all they wouldn't let him go that long without a check up.

The problem my dad IS having right now is with his breathing. He also has OPD. The radiation made his breathing even harder so he has oxygen at home now.

But, things are sure not as bleak as I thought they were back in Sept. Just goes to show that the doctors should never give timelines to people.

Take Care Everyone.

Sandy M.

Dad- 72 year old

10/18/03 Dx Limited SCLC

5 weeks daily Radiation to the chest

5 rounds of Chemo


Ct Scan,MRI show tumor has shrunk but still there.

March/04 Doctor's said he is in remission still no change...

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Sandy, thanks for the good news!! I am glad that your father is doing so well.

Yes, the doctors surely don't know everything, perhaps they are just giving educated guesses based on statistics. But the nature of this disease and its response to chemo, in addition to individual circumstances means that there is always hope.

Hopefully your dad will be able to breathe easier soon, and we'll hear more good news from you!


Mom dx with sclc limited stage 0l/02

5 months chemo (carboplatin & etoposide), radiation, no pci

06/03 Recurrance found with follow up c/t, chemo (carboplatin & etoposide) began then stopped due to severe reaction

07/03 pet scan concurred ca in sternum

09/03 ct shows ca spread

09/03 Three 28-day cycles of cisplatinum & cpt-ll

12/03 some tumors responding, began 2 more 28 day cycles cisplatinum & cpt-ll

02/04 No growth, no reduction of tumors. Onc decided on a 4 week rest period to be followed by CT.

03/04 CT shows growth and additonal tumor in renal gland. Decided on l/2 dosage of cisplatinum and cpt-ll. Has severe reaction to chemo and has a seizure. Onc says we will now try Taxol or Gemzar.

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Happy Dance is RIGHT!!! Great news. SCLC does react well to the chemo!! I tho would not want to wait 6 mos between tests! I was in remission (no new growth) for 1 yr. and had a CT done (they were always 2-3 mos apart) all OK then the next one 3 mos later showed a baseball size new tumor in a new location. If I had to wait 6 mos --what would it have been like. Most Dr will--if ins. will allow--have you tested more often due to the agressive nature of SCLC. Talk to the Dr about it.

EVERYTHING else is looking good for you!!


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Thank you all so much for all the kind words. I have to let you know though. my dad got his facts wrong. We called the cancer clinic and spoke to someone about why my dad would be waiting 6 months between check ups and were told there was no way he would go 6 months without being checked. He must have heard wrong or got it mixed up some how. He has to go every month for at least the next 6 months and then they may cut it back at that point.

Thanks again everyone!


Dad- 72 year old

10/18/03 Dx Limited SCLC

5 weeks daily Radiation to the chest

5 rounds of Chemo


Ct Scan,MRI show tumor has shrunk but still there.

March/04 Doctor's said he is in remission still no change...

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