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Lunch with a survivor


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I just returned from lunch and knew I had to share this with everyone.

An aquaintance of mine called me the other day and asked if I would have lunch with he and his father. I really only know him because he is a good friend of my old boss. He had learned of Hugh's illness and was eager for me to meet his dad who was diagnosed with mesothelioma 7 years ago. He just wanted me to have lunch with them to see for myself how well his Dad is doing. I really wanted to say no, I hardly know him on a personal level, how would I make conversation, and I thought it might be awkward. Because I don't say no well, I ended up going and have just returned. Though he has another kind of cancer than Hugh it was still one of the most uplifting visits I have had since starting on this "journey". I don't have much information to share as I only get 1/2 hour for lunch and though we took a few extra minutes much of our visit was just pleasant chit-chat.

The bottom line is this: 7 years ago this man was diagnosed with mesothesioma (spelling?) and told he had 6 months to live. Here he is today, at what I would guess to be around 70-75 years old, the very picture of health, golfing 4 times a week among other things. He is cancer-free. I have no idea what the treatment was, I only know it involved surgery in Boston and he did not have the lung removed. He was unwilling to accept the 6 month diagnosis so he went in search of another doctor with a better outlook and found one.

It was an awesome lunch with an awesome survivor. It didn't matter that his cancer is/was different than Hugh's, what mattered was that he is here when the doctors said he wouldn't be. I am so glad to have gone and met this man. I am also grateful that there are really people out there that will take time out of their day to make a complete stranger feel better. We ate lunch and talked like old friends about the weather, his golf scores etc. He was there, not so much to discuss the disease as to provide living, breathing proof that IT CAN BE DONE. I will never forget him.


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Candy -

Sounds like a great time!! Isn't great that there are so many wonderful, caring people - like you said - that will take the time to make someone else feel uplifted??!!! I know I found comfort in talking to people with ANY type of cancer that were survivors - guess I was desparate??!! - as well as lung cancer survivors!!

Blessings -


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Because I really had NO idea what type of lung cancer mesothelioma was, I looked it up. In case someone else doesn't know and would like to: it seems its a lung cancer primarily caused from asbestos?? Is that correct? Just thought I would add that since I was really curious after lunch and figured if I didn't know someone else might not and might be curious.

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Thank you for sharing this story, I needed so much to hear it tonight. I am panicking awaiting my father beginning his treatment that it will spread in the meantime. Im praying so hard for him to have many, many more years with us.

Thank you, thank you for this story tonight.


father dx last week adenosquamous carcinoma, one node affected

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Thank you for sharing this wonderful story. It sounds like you had a great lunch, and it means so much that you would share it with us. It's one thing to get renewed hope, but an even greater gift if you can multiply it out and share that hope with others who may need it.



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