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Katie stories


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Katie started at her new day care last week, and on her first day the zoo man came (I picked this day intentionally for her to start because of her love of all things animals). He brought with him a lion cub, a parrot, and a snake. According to Katie's teacher, she started giggling and told the zoo man that snakes were silly. Why, he asked? Because they smell with their tongues and not their noses.

Then on Sunday, we were coming home from dinner, and my brother and sister-in-law (the biology teacher) are working with Katie on the names of bones. Having gone through cranium, patella, and so on, Pat pointed to her arm and said, that is your humerus. To which Katie replied, "where is my serious?" We all looked at each other, and asked her again what she had said, and that is what she asked. I guess if she is going to have a humorous, she needs a serious too.

Yes, she is not yet four. And oh how proud Becky is.


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