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Getting my Port removed!!!

Remembering Dave

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Well, it has been a while since I have posted but please know that I pop in as much as I can and you are all always in my prayers. I am getting my Port removed today. I am getting my port removed today, I am getting my port removed today!! It is odd to say and hear. I am so happy it will be out. It has been one of the constant reminders of this jouney I have been on. I asked the Onc. when I could have it out and he said anytime.............we will just put another one in if we have to down the road. Oh, well. I have not been able to sleep all night. Not sure if it is because I mowed approx. 3 acres last night or if it is the port. Oh well. Again you are all in my prayers.

David C

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Addie - funny you say that - Dave used to work on a cruise ship! He used to play trumpet full time professionally, and he worked for Carnival for a couple of years. When he quit doing that and came back to town to finish his degree is when I met him. I think a cruise right now sounds pretty darn good!

Anyway, I just got back to work and he's home now from the hospital - doc let him drive himself home since he just gave him novacaine to remove the port. Wouldn't let him keep it as a souvenoir though. I think after he rests he's going to be one happy man!

God Bless Everyone!

Karen C.

p.s. isn't our daughter the cutest kid ever?

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David, between your good news and Bobmc posting, this is all just so terrific. I have been down and sad today but you boys have really lifted me up. I am so very happy for you......you are truly a wonderful and caring individual and I am so happy to be able to call you my friend even though we only know one another through this great computer invention....love

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