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Appt. w/surgeon


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Charlie and I are seeing the surgeon this afternoon and will have the PET scan results. Please pray for wisdom on the part of the doctors and us in discussing of options. Thanks! You all are GREAT and I really appreciate the prayers and support. :lol::P:D (Got carried away with the smileys).

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I believe it is a blessing that the lymph node showed up now. If they had proceeded with surgery thinking it had not spread (perhaps stage III), he would have ended up much weaker and with only the one lung. Then when something showed up (most likely), he wouldn't have been as able to fight it. As he is now, he is very strong and ready to continue the fight!

I hope this made sense. I am very tired from the last few days. I have been researching clinical trials all evening. It looks like to me for a second line treatment, Taxotere in combination with something else has been the most effective. Any comments from others that have been here?

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My dad had a lyph. light up on his original PET scan. They never staged him at 4 though. He was still 3b. Not sure why their cases are different... Anyway, after chemo and radiation they got the cancer out of his lymph, and hes going for surgery (lobectomy) Tues. They found out it worked by a second PET 4 months later. Could this be a plan of action for you guys??? Ask the doc. It worked for my Dad...

Best of Luck


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Hi Tina

What you wrote made complete sense. I remember when Mum was first diagnosed they had been discussing doing a pneumonectomy and trying to remove the positive lymph nodes as well. But before they could do this they had to confirm if the "hot spot" on the bone scan was cancer or not. So Mum had to have a thoracotomy and have her rib removed, which which a pretty big operation in and of itself. Unfortunately this came back positive for cancer, but I remember thinking to myself how horrible it would have been if she had gone through the pneumonectomy only to find out shortly after the cancer had spread, and she only had one lung on top of that. Mum is doing pretty well one year later with no symptoms still, so I hope that Charlie has the same result.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for your words of comfort.

Lisa: Thanks for the affirmation! I see you have been there and done that. Your support is greatly appreciated.

Charlie has been very sick the last 2 days with an infection. Finally, he woke up today feeling much better and his fever was down from the 101 - 103 he had been experiencing. I can't thank everyone enough for their friendship. Take care and have a good one!

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