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(Not Lung Cancer) No Mojave Greens.....

Fay A.

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but a couple of Mojave spidermen, ages 7 and 5. Never met these two gentlemen before last night, but they were waiting for the fireworks display as patiently as 7 and 5 year old boys can, and they ended up spending a lot of time showing me how well they could throw all three of their web toys at once. What a couple of cuties. I don't have grandkids, but I sure hope that these two little fellows have grandparents who know just how fortunate they are.

I went from sea level to 4000 ft above this weekend. Not sure why, but I could breathe a bit easier up in the foothills. Which is good.

I was on dial up and kept getting booted off line, so I'm catching up slowly. I missed you guys.

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Up here in New Hampshire the air is clean and clear. Remember I live in the Mt's region as well as the lakes. Come visit Fay. It may do you a world of good!! Glad you had a wonderful 4th and that the children took you away to a happier place for a spell. We have missed you !!

God Bless You,


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