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Mom is feeling worse with Iressa


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It is like a downward spiral with this little golden pill (I say golden because of the price :shock: )

Dry skin, tummy problems, fatigue, blah blah. Well now it seems her potty problems and vomitting are so bad that she is not going to attend the Relay for Life this weekend, which she wanted to do because I am going to be reading a poem and saying names in the luminaria ceremony :(

She did say that thankfully she had scans two weeks ago which showed NED or she would be convinced she had stomach cancer. Poor thing. Looks like at the next visit we will be evaluating whether Iressa really is worth it all.

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John has been taking the B-complex vitamins and they are helping the dry skin a lot. It will take a little while so don't expect instant results. Sorry to hear about her stomach trouble...got no suggestions for that, sorry.


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Hey Sweetie,

Well, in our famous last words, did you happen or mom happen to call the doctor and ask if this is the norm????? :roll:

You know your all in my thoughts and prayers my dear. Give mom a HUGE HUG for me! Hugs always make people feel better!

Love and Hugs to you too (((((((ANDREA)))))))))

Connie B.

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